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Corpse pov

She really just said she doesn't know me. What else did I expect? For her to announce what happened?  I don't even know why I went to her stream. I'm the one who told her to leave me alone. 


Rae: I heard what happened. Are you okay?

Corpse: I'm fine. 

Rae: Corpsey come on, you can talk to me. 

Corpse: I said I'm fine Rae. It's none of your business. 

Rae: I know it isn't but you're my friend. I know you 'liked' her and all but I told you she was just using you. I wouldn't treat you that way. 

I can't deal with her. 

Corpse: whatever. 

I ignored her. I know she's right but I hate her for it. I just want to be with Melody, but now she's acting like she doesn't know me. Which is my fault. 

I go on Instagram and go to look at her profile, but can't. She must have blocked me. 

I go to check Twitter and it's the same thing. 

I don't know why I'm upset about this. She was the one using me. 

*Ring Ring*

Pews is calling

Corpse: Hello? 

Pews: What the fuck is going on? 

Corpse: What are you talking about? 

Pews: What is going on with you and Mel? 

Corpse: Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. 

Pews: Oh okay. Corpse quit the shit. What is happening?

Corpse: I don't know why you're getting mad. I should the one getting pissed. She was using me.

Pews: What?

Corpse: Melody was using me. She was taking advantage of me and using me to build up her following. 

Pews: And how do you know that? 

Corpse: Rae and Toast figured it out. And they told me how she has been treating me. 

Pews: You are so fucking stupid. 

And with that he hung up. 

What a douche. Of course he's going to take her side. They have know each other since they were kids. 

She "Miss can never do no wrong." 

But maybe I am stupid? Maybe she really wasn't using me and Rae was working on my insecurities. 

Nope. She wants the best for me. She's one of best friends?  

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