𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 - 𝕔.𝕞.𝕓

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As i stretched out on the bed from hours of doing schoolwork, my boyfriend of 2 years walks in. He was shirtless and wearing black sweats, as usual. But i didn't mind. He was so fucking hot. He walked into the room of our shared apartment.

"babe i was in the studio all day today. i'm drained. wanna cuddle?" he said in his sweet voice looking up at me as he flopped on the bed.

"i have one more paper to work on and then i'll cuddle babe. i'm sorry just 30 more minutes okay?" i replied with focus slapped on my face.

"ughhh okay. but in 30 minutes i'm coming up here and cuddling you to death" he said as i slightly giggled.

Time Skip 20 Minutes

in the twenty minutes corbyn was downstairs, i thought about him so much. the thought of him stayed in my mind and wouldn't. go. away. i bit my lip thinking about all the things he would do to me. we've had sex many times and it's always soo good.

i finally finished my paper for school and turned it in. i'm in college and he's always on tour so we can't ever see each other. i got up with excitement in my stomach and headed over to the closet to grab his favorite piece of lingerie and put a light amount of makeup on.

"Babe are you done yet?" he yelled

"yea i'm done come up here" i said running to the bed as i heard his footsteps come up the stairs.

"ugh finally i've waited so long to cud-" he began to say before stopping when he saw me laying on the bed in my outfit.

he walked over to me and leaned down to kiss me, his brown locks tickling my forehead. his hands started to roam my body, touching me everywhere. as he reached my boobs still kissing me, i slightly moaned and he took this opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth. he moved to my neck, finding my sweet stop and sucking harshly.

he then began to kiss down my chest, leaving hickeys everywhere his lips touched. i suddenly felt his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb, causing a pool in my underwear.

"you look so pretty in that outfit" he said making butterflies appear in my stomach. he then moved his hand right on my heat feeling how wet i am. he groaned at the feeling.

"ah princess this wet just for me? I bet your dying for me to touch you. For my fingers to be going in and out of you, for my thumb to be rubbing you so good? Yeah?" he said with an obvious smirk moving his thumb to circle my clit through my panties.

"babe i need you" i said begging for something to happen. as soon as those words came out of my mouth, he pulled my underwear down by the waistband slowly.

"please. i need your fingers inside me baby. please i'll do whatever you want" i begged.

"fuck babygirl" he groaned at the sight of me being naked. he rubbed slowly up my legs, then to my thigh, stopping at my inner thigh, inches away from my aching pussy.

"tell me you want me" he said in a firm lustfull voice.


he slapped my pussy hard and left a sting. but i didn't mind, it felt good.

"say it right"

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