𝕒𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜 - 𝕕.𝕛.𝕤

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today the boys and i went to six flags. it was just me cause i was the only one who could call of work today. we get in line to ride "Goliath" and i instantly felt eyes on me. i was behind everyone but daniel and jack. i didn't say anything because it felt like a weight on my shoulders. i backed up into the daniel and jack to feel safer.

"what are you doing?" jack said backing up so i don't bump into him.

"i feel weird. like someone is watching me" i said back. i turn around to face them and it was daniel. he had a slight smirk on his face and he kept touching my hand hinting that he wanted to hold it. i was caught so off guard by this because daniel and i are strictly friends. that's it.

we get closer to the front of the line and we have to split in groups of three. it was easy groups: me, jack, daniel. then corbyn, zach, jonah. i decided to sit in the middle of the two boys. we got up in our seats for the ride and i started to get nervous. i saw daniel looking at me in the corner of my eye again and he saw that i was panicking. he moved my hand beside him where jack couldn't see and began to hold my pinky.

this really comforted me and made me smile. i looked at him and he was looking forward like nothing was happening. the ride started and he didn't let go of my pinky the whole ride. we got off and started walking to another one when daniel pulled me back.

"you know i can't keep my eyes off you" daniel said.

"what? why?" i said, my face getting red.

"you look so good in those leggings. did you think i wasn't going to look at you? you're beautiful" he said leaning down to my ear. my heart dropped because i had a HUGE crush on him. daniel seavey thinks i'm beautiful.

we rode a couple more rides, daniel choosing to sit beside me on every one of them. we got off the biggest one and decided to go grab some lunch. we stopped at the chick-fil-a in the park. we got an extra big booth and i sat down. daniel sitting right beside me. we had already gotten my food and all the others were waiting on there's.

"why are you sitting beside me everywhere we go?" i said teasing him.

"because you gave me a problem and i need you to fix it." he said looking me straight in the eyes. he took my hand and put it in his lap and i felt his hard on.

"dani i gave you this? i didn't even touch you, how could i possibly have done this?"

"when you backed up on me and jack in the waiting line, your ass brushed against me and you didn't notice."

"ok? that was like an hour ago, how are you still hard?" i questioned.

"you don't get it. i've been walking behind you ALL day today and you didn't suspect anything?" "i've been hinting to you that i was horny all day"

i guess one of daniel's way of hinting is eye contact? he started rubbing my hand against his shorts which honestly made a pool downstairs. the restaurant wasn't too busy and the guys were still waiting on their food.

"fuck it, let's go" i said as he smiled at me and hopped up out of the booth leading me to the bathroom.

"where are you guys going?" jonah asked.

"we're going to the bathroom, i'll be back in a second" i said shifting my view to daniel. he led me into the men's bathroom kissing me roughly and shoving me into a stall. thank god the restaurant wasn't very crowded. i pulled my leggings down and sat on the toilet seat while he unbuckled his pants. i started sucking his dick in every possible way, trying to get him closer to his climax because we didn't have any time. i looked up at him while his cock was down my throat and tears where filling my eyes.

"fuck right there, don't stop" he said under his breath. a guy whispering or moaning under his breath is one of my biggest turn ons. he kept shoving my head down making me gag so hard. he pulled out and picked me up. we traded places to where my back was facing the stall doors.

"you're so sexy. did you know that" he said looking me up and down.

"thank you baby but if we want to cum, we have to hurry. it's been 5 minutes already." i said reminding him. he picked me up and slammed me against the door and shoved his whole length inside me. i almost screamed but then remembered that if anyone caught us, we would be dead.

"baby shush. be a good girl and be quiet for me okay?" he said still pounding me. he put his hand over my mouth trying to make my moans quieter.

"oh fuck yes just stay like that more me okay don't move" he said.

"damn i love when you fuck me so hard in this bathroom. it's such a risk" i said moaning loudly.

he let out a string of cuss words before he said, "oh my fucking good this pussy is amazing. i'm gonna fucking cum"

"do it baby for me, please cum inside me. i needed this the whole day, i need you to do this for me okay" he gave me a weird look. "baby it's okay, i'm on the pill. now please just give me your whole load" i said.

with that, his dick started twitching inside me and an almost scream came out of my mouth. within seconds i felt his warm liquids coating my walls. my eyes rolled back in my head as i reached my orgasm i was trying so hard not to have. we sat there for a second, him watching all his cum spill out of me. he grabbed me a paper towel and helped me clean up his mess.

"it's okay dani, i got it. you should go so the guys don't suspect anything" i said. he nodded and did. i stayed in the stall trying to gather my balance. i pulled my leggings back up, hoping they didn't have any stains on them. once i got my balance back, i walked out of the stall to clean up my makeup that was tearing down my face. i walked out of the bathroom limping. i went over to our booth and sat down, daniel following me. he put his hand on my thigh rubbing it, helping the vibration stay calm so they wouldn't see how bad i took daniel.

"damn what took you so long? you've been in there for 20 minutes?!" zach screamed so loud.

"zach! shut up you're being so loud. the bathroom was SO crowded." i replied.

jack looked over at me and gave me a whole smirk. i got a notification from messages.
Jackie 🙃

you know i may act like i am, but i'm not as stupid as you think.

you know i may act like i am, but i'm not as stupid as you think

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i know this was ass, i'm sorry. i haven't had the motivation to write since February and i wanted to have at least one chapter for each boy. give me some inspiration pleaseee! much needed! love you guys! 🤍

wc: 1258

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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