A Night To Remember

36 0 2

Tw: underage drinking

Gina's POV

I lay down on my bad, smiling. School is done for the day and there's a party tomorrow night.

Oh and Rina is back together of course.

I turned my phone off and moved over to my piano and played a song I wrote the other day. I listened to the copy of Just For A Moment that Nini sent me and just wanted to write a song so I learnt some chords and...

It feels good, ya know?

I heard my phone vibrate so picked it up.

"Hey babe!" I heard the smile on my boyfriend's face.

"Hey handsome" I laughed.

"Is that party still on tomorrow?"

"Yup. I can't wait!" I giggled.

"Good" he said "I'm glad we're back together"

"Me too" we sat in a nice sort of silence for a moment.

"So who's coming to your party next week?" He asked.

"Well... basically anyone else who wants to come. Its a big house!" I laughed.

"What about Nini? Did you ever convince her to come?"

"I completely forgot about that!" My face lit up "I'm going to go ring her now! Bye Ricky! I love you" I hung up the phone as he laughed and mumbled goodbye before I rang my best friend.

"Heyyyy girl!" She laughed "What's up?"

"My party" I smiled "Please?"

She sighed "I don't know, Gi"

"Neeners, this is my first party! Please come? I need my bestie there!"

"I'll think about it" she confessed.

I grinned.

"Gina, it's time for dinner" Kourtney came into the room.

"Hi Kourt!" Nini mumbled from the phone.

"Nini? Oh hey!" Kourtney smiled before turning back to me "It's spaghetti meatballs, your favourite!"

"Ooh, thanks Kourt!" I smiled as she walked out of the room "Bye, Nini"

"Byeee!" She laughed as she hung up the phone.

Nini's POV

Gina hung up the phone and I went to see who had messaged me while I was talking to her.

Gina hung up the phone and I went to see who had messaged me while I was talking to her

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