Illicit Affairs

46 2 8

Nini's POV

I walked into the quiet living room with Ricky. We were both clearly drunk so had no clue what was happening.

"This is crazy, right?" I laughed at Ricky "I never thought I'd ever be at one of Gina's parties and I'm here. I didn't think I'd ever even drink and now I'm drunk"

He smiled "Yeah... It's a bit mad"

I lay down on the sofa and Ricky sat beside me "I feel so sick"

"You'll get used to it" he smiled.

"Nope. This is never happening again. This is the last time I come to one of these stupid parties" I complained, sitting up. He laughed at me "You're so pretty, you know that right?"

He stared at me, shocked. "Neens I-"

"No, Richard. You're like..." I struggled to find words to say "so.... Hot. And you can sing so well - DON'T DENY IT - and did I say how hot you are?"

"Neens-" he blushed.

"No, Richard. I'm not done talking" I slurred "Like you don't realise it. I can't believe I'm saying this to you, I mean you're so cute and I know you're my best friends boyfriend but I can't help having the hugest crush on you. You came up with the cutest nickname and you knew my favourite drink and food and I can't even begin to do the same to you! Ricky, I know you don't feel the same but I'm sick of hiding it! I like you! Like, like like you!"

"Neens... I don't know what to say" Ricky looked at me.

My heart dropped. What was I expecting? Him to actually reciprocate these feelings?

"I'm sorry, Ricky. I shouldn't have said that" I held my head in my hands "I'm so drunk, like drunk out of my mind and-"

"Neens, stop talking" he said "I like you too. Like, like like you" he laughed.

Then before I know it, he had started leaning in and kissed me. I was slightly taken aback and knew it was wrong but still leant into the kiss.

"What about Gina?" I whispered as we both got our breath back.

He sighed "That's future Ricky's problem"

I smiled "And what does present Ricky want?"

Ricky grinned at me "You want to take an Uber back to my place?"

"We have work in the morning" I muttered.

"So we can go together. Neens, right now I don't care about the consequences... Right now, I just want you"

I started into Ricky's brown eyes "What about your parents?"

He sighed "Screw it, there's a spare bedroom upstairs. Let's go"

I stopped "Ricky, what if Gi-"

"Do you want to go or not?" He looked into my eyes, almost right into my soul. My heart skipped a beat as I kissed him again. "Okay, come on" he smiled before dragging me through the crowd and upstairs.

Gina's POV

"And I just don't understand why he won't have sex with me" I ranted to EJ. Not like he's going to remember any of this anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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