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Nini Salazar-Roberts

Description - Nini is a good girl with a big heart who plans not to sleep with a guy until she is married and is ready

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Description - Nini is a good girl with a big heart who plans not to sleep with a guy until she is married and is ready. She would help anyone who she passes who is in need of help and cares about everyone. Easy to be friends with and get along with.
Best Friend - Gina Porter.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - single but has a small crush on Ricky Bowen.
Family Life - single child with two moms.
Spare Time - She mostly hangs around with Gina, Ricky and EJ or studies. Other than that she just hangs around on her own, writing songs most of the time. They are really good and she is proud of them so posts them online. She is also friendly with Big Red so would sometimes hang out or text him.

Ricky Bowen

Description - Ricky is a bad boy who is known by the whole school

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Description - Ricky is a bad boy who is known by the whole school. He is quite nice but doesn't let his kind side show. Rumoured to have slept with half the girls at school but actually, is still a virgin.
Best Friend - EJ Caswell
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - Dating Gina Porter.
Family Life - He is a single child, his parents fight a lot and he's assuming that they are going to get a divorce soon but no one knows.
Spare Time - He normally just hangs with EJ, Gina and sometimes Nini. If he's on his own then he writes songs for fun. No one knows that he does this even though they are amazing.

Gina Porter

Description - Gina is a bad girl who is actually really nice when you get to know her

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Description - Gina is a bad girl who is actually really nice when you get to know her. She has a really big heart but if you don't take the time to meet her and find out who she is, you won't ever see her nice side. She has slept with many guys but no one knows except for her and Nini exactly how many. She hasn't slept with anyone since she and Ricky started dating.
Best Friend - Nini Salazar-Roberts
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - Dating Ricky Bowen
Family Life - she lives with her mom, dad and her half-sister, Kourtney.
Spare Time - In Gina's spare time she hangs around with Ricky, Nini or EJ. When she isn't with them she normally just scrolls through social media or watches Netflix.

EJ Caswell

Description - EJ is a bad boy and it's best not to mess with him

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Description - EJ is a bad boy and it's best not to mess with him. He only has eyes for one girl but yet is a player. He has slept with nearly every girl in the whole school except for the good girl who he has his eyes on and his best friend's girlfriend. Everyone knows about his crush on Nini.
Best Friend - Ricky Bowen
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - single but has a huge crush on Nini Salazar-Roberts.
Family Life - He is a single child and was adopted when he was four. Everyone thinks that his parents are his real parents but he doesn't want anyone to know that his real parents didn't want a boy so as soon as they had him, he was given to the adoption centre. Only Ashlyn, his cousin, knows.
Spare Time - If he's not hanging around with Gina, Ricky and Nini he usually is in some random girl's bed. If not, he would usually play waterpolo.

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