Everything is about her

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Camila's Pov-

At the Sheriffs.

"Oh my gosh what's taking them so long!" I shouted as we waited in the waiting room.

"There's going over the videotape, it's going to take a while." Ally said.

"Poor Lauren." Dinah mumbled.

"Seriously, she's been through enough and now they're blaming her for this. She literally stopped the shooter." Normani adds.

"I hate cops." I said.

"Your dad is a cop." They all said at the same time.

"Jáuregui Family?" A sheriff comes in and asks.

"Yes, that's us. Can we go in now?" Ally asks as we all stand up.

"Yes but she's still talking to officer harry and Alejandro." He simply said.

We then went towards Lauren's cell but to see she wasn't  there. She was in another room. We entered the room to see the video playing of Lauren jumping on top of Jessica. Lauren was still in cuffs sitting patiently. We then bursted into the room wanting answers.

"Before you guys go off, we found her innocent. She's free to go. But for you girls there still is school. And mija, we will talk when you get home." My dad says and then leaves the room.

"I'll just un cuff Lauren and she will be free to go." Officer Harry says as he gets up to help Lauren but there was no point.

"No need Harry, I got it myself. Can I have the keys to my motorcycle now?" Lauren asks and Harry gives her the keys.

We then just followed Lauren outside the building and stayed there talking.

"Are you sure you're able to drive the motorcycle Lauren?" I ask worriedly about her gunshot wound.

"I was shot on my shoulder, i'm fine." She simply stated.

"Are you still leaving tomorrow?" Normani asks Lauren.

"Leaving where?" I ask curiously.

"Juvie, duh." Dinah says.

"Protocol. I'll see you guys in a few." Lauren said and hopped onto her motorcycle.

"Stay safe Lauren! I'll visit you on Saturday to check in." Ally said as Normani and Dinah headed into the car.

Right then Lauren sped off ignoring the red lights and stop signs of course and going back to her trailer i'm assuming.

We were in the car chatting about randomness.

"Hey Ally, do you think i can go with you on Saturday?" I asked her and Normani and Dinah stopped talking.

"Why, you wanna see your girlfriend." Dinah said jokingly.

"What are you gonna tell your dad?" Normani asks.

"If you can get your dad to let you go, of course Mila you can tag along." Ally said.

"I can think of something. And I just want to check in on her." I said as Ally dropped me off at my house.

Once I opened the door it was quiet. So I took that as my chance to hide in my room.

As i got to my room I decided to write a few song lyrics, but I couldn't since i had too many words in my head.

I think I might actually like lauren. Maybe love. I don't know. She saved me today. She risked her life to save me. I wanted to stay with her. I don't want her going to juvie because i think i'll miss her too much. I want to see her. I want to help her. I think i should let her know how i feel. Maybe that's a good idea. I'll tell her on Saturday when I see her at Juvie. I hope she will be happy to see me. I hope a lot.


I then picked up my guitar as I got the word hope and Lauren stuck in my head. With that i grabbed my journal and wrote a few words down:

If i can just hope
that today will be enough
for the both of us

I want to hold you tight
with my head on your thighs
while  you smoke a cigarette

They say that your bad
And selfish
With a cold black heart

But i know deep down
that you're capable of love
If i can just hope
that your love is enough
for the both of us

(i hope, oh i hope)

Screw what they think
I just want you with me
Even if your on the other side
of the glass wall

I will risk it all just for you
Because that's how much hope
i have for you

I'll tell you that i'll see you later
even though that visiting house don't start
till 3:05

Just let me love you, and hope that
you'll come back home to me

(Let me hope for you)

Let me have hope in you.

As i finished the songs i hear
clapping comes from my door room.

It was Sofi.

"Good job Kaki! Was that one about lauren?" She asked as she hopped onto my bed.

"Every song I write is about lauren."

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