Officer Alejandro

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Camila's Pov-

Max is working with a cop.

I quickly grabbed the badge and threw it into my backpack. I grabbed my bike and Meaty's leash and started pedaling towards Ally's house to put all of the pieces together.

I can't believe it, no wonder Max got so far pinning these deaths on Lauren. The cop is helping him cover up his tracks and also helping him frame Luaren. They aren't so good at covering up their tracks though, but they are good at making others believe Lauren did this. Just, which cop would want to do this?

Once we arrived at Ally's, I rushed inside where Ally stood next to Officer Harry. They both were gathered around a computer watching something, I couldn't see from my angle.

"Max is working with a cop." I blurted out, slightly out of breath.

"Woah woah what?" Ally questioned as she grabbed me and told me to sit down.

"How can he be working with a cop?" Officer Harry asked me as he stared more deeply at the board.

"Whoever it is, left this deeper into the woods where Luaren heard gunshots." I took out the badge and placed it on the table. "I also found a couple of bullets scattered around, two dfirrent sizes of boots and blood drops leading towards Lauren's trailer." I told them as I took out my camera showing them pictures  and the bullets.

"Those bullets are from a cops gun." Officer Harry noticed.

"So who are our suspects?" Ally questioned grabbing a marker getting ready to write on the board for possible suspects.

"A cop, who hates Lauren basically. Someone who always wanted her in prison, never liked her a bit.  Something must have triggered him to lose complete control and team up with Max, knowing about the same hate they both have for the girl." Officer Harry explained.

There was only one was person like that, someone who hated Lauren from day one. The one person I was afraid of and made me keep my distance... my

"My dad." I whispered to myself.

They seemed to hear me because they stared at me.

"He's always hated Lauren, when he found out Lauren and I were dating must have triggered him... Also, he's the cop on this case. It has to be him." I told them.

"Did Normani and Dinah get Kendall to confess?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, I have the recording. She also talked about Max." I replied. "What about the camera from the liquor store?" I asked Harry.

"They didn't want to help, realizing it was Lauren we were trying to get out of prison they declined because Lauren used to steal their alcohol and cigarettes." Officer Harry said as he looked through more papers.

"But do we have enough proof to show the judge Laurens innocent?" I asked him.

"If we can get Max and Alejandro meeting together... I think we can win this." Office Harry says.

"How are we going to get that?" Ally asks.

"We can find a way, just need to be on the lookout." I said.


"Ally, do you mind taking me to see Lauren?" I asked her.

"Of course Mila." She said and grabbed her keys.

I need to talk to her.

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