Face to Face

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Lauren's Pov-

I woke up in a cell with a sore headache. The bed was uncomfortable and smelled disgusting. I got up from the horribly made bed to be faced with an old friend of mine. Kylie!

"What are you doing on this level?" I asked her remembering our first day of meeting each other here in prison but on level 2.

"I could be asking you the same thing Jauregui." She said and gave me a welcoming hug. "Heard you punched a police officer, nice." She says.

"Wait till the people hear it was my girlfriend's dad." I joked and she laughed.

"Glad to see you're still a legend." She replied patting my back. "I heard my girlfriend met yours, during the basketball game." She said.

"I heard, how is Ariana by the way?" I asked her.

"She's good, we're both good. Still dating surprisingly and about to get out in a week!" She said happily. "What about you?" She asked.

"Im pretty sure im on death penalty." I say sadly.

"No way what did you do?!" She asked.

"I didn't do shit, right now i'm charged with murder." I said angrily.

"Thats why your name has been heard a lot around here now. You still have people scared shitless on this level." She said.

"Glad to know I'm already on people's kill list." I said sarcastically.

"Your number 1 on Dennys." She said.

We both talked for half an hour catching up on our lives and Denny. I found out that she was also in the new gang I recently joined with Lucy. Turns out Lucy's mom is here and running the gang in this level as well. Kylie never joined Denny's gang because she didn't want to be a part of his type of things he runs also she was never asked. At that time he wanted me to join the gang and of course I did not decline because he's Denny, no one declines him.

When I met Kylie she was arrested for stealing from a jewelry store. She would have been at juvie but she got banned from stabbing an police officer who survived. I helped her out a lot, by protecting her from others who would just pick a fight. I can say I saved her ass a lot of times.

We have been stuck in this cell for like an hour already. I've been asking if I can speak to someone because well this isn't right, I didn't kill anyone and they don't have full evidence or proof that I did. Why am I here?

I really just want to leave so I don't have to face Denny.

But Prison is a small place.

"I've been waiting Jauregui." I hear the same low tone rusty voice.

Kylie left to get some food meaning it was time for lunch but if we weren't hungry we didn't have to eat. I stayed in my cell now realizing it was a bad idea.

I looked up from my bed and saw Denny along with 2 buff guys standing besides him.

"Murdered 2, and punched a security guard. And I thought you couldn't get any worse." He said with a chuckle.

"You know damn well, I aint kill no one." I told him as I stood up from the bed and walked closer to him.

"Who gonna believe you? Nobody. Welcome back Jauregui." He said.

"Your wrong Denny... Im not joining your gang again." I tell him now face to face.

"That cross on your neck represents ME you never left." He growled right at me. "Finish her." He said.

Well those aren't my favorite words.

One of the guys cracked his knuckles and stared me down. Well shit. I can't run now. He launched his arm straight to my face but I dodged it, punching him right in his back and kicking one of his legs making him fall. I turned around to be met with the other tall guy who had a knife.

I punched him right in the eye and with my other hand slapping the knife out of his hand making my hand get cut. I pushed him to the wall where the other guy was still on the floor and laughed. Which was probably a bad idea. Soon more people from the gang were on their way wanting trouble.

I looked outside my cell and saw a girl gang walking towards me. No way that's Lucy mom.The boss of PurpleBlood gang.

"Nice to finally meet you." The blonde woman said who was in the middle of the crowd of girls.

"Same here." I replied.

"You're a legend, no one was ever able to take down one of Denny's men. Glad that my daughter chose a good one. Now lets handle these idiots." She said while everyone agreed behind us.

The mens from the other gang were now launching punches. They were tall, old, and were way less weak. I wonder what happened to them.

Once the first punches were done the alarms started ringing meaning the cops are coming with there stupid tasers and guns. Prison fights aren't always the cops favorites. They demanded us to go back to our cells, anyone who resisted would get pepper sprayed.

I was already walking to my cell with Kylie besides me, our knuckles messed up with blood and a few cuts on our skin. I felt someone grab my arm really hard making me turn around and hit them right in the face. Bad move.

It was one of the cops.

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