Chapter 15 Murder Solution

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"Here we are, welcome to the Sakamoto Detective Agency."

As Ryouma and Oryou walked back into the building, Tsurugi looked around the building. It looked like an old office as a bookshelf was behind Ryouma's desk. As Tsurugi looked around, Ryouma was sitting in his chair as Oryou was floating in the air.

"Alright, it's time we really get to work."

"As you know, Tsurugi, there have been murders occuring here in Shibuya

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"As you know, Tsurugi, there have been murders occuring here in Shibuya. All of the victims were affiliated with the school. However, when I got a look at the bodies, I found something strange."

"Yeah, it's stranger than the taste of frogs. Though Oryou-san loves the taste of frogs......."

"Anyways, we have an operation room in the back. If you're ready to find out the clue, then i'll take you."

Tsurugi nods his head as he follows Ryouma and Oryou to the back of the agency. When Ryouma put his hand on the doorknob, he looked at Tsurugi. In all honesty, he didn't want to show this to a teenager but he knew that he didn't have a choice. But still, if he was to show this to the boy, then he at least wants it to be his decision.

As Ryouma turned to the boy, he saw Oryou resting her arms on the boy's head. When Tsurugi looked at him, he simply nods his head. Ryouma soon opened the door and inside of the room were six hospital beds with blankets over them. Soon he looked towards Tsurugi as he began to explain.

"These are the victims of the murder. Oddly enough, we found all of them in the same spot. If you want to investigate, i'll search the bo-"

"Don't worry. I can handle this much."

Tsurugi walked towards one of the beds. When he arrived, he quickly took off the blanket as he saw a lifeless body before him. However, the one noticable thing about this corpse was the large hole in its chest. Its ribcage was ripped apart, but something was missing. Meanwhile, Ryouma and Oryou just looked at the boy in shock.

"He's inspecting the body with no hesitation and he doesn't seem fazed. Usually a normal person would freak out or have some sort of reaction, yet he's completely fine. Unfortunately, I guess being a jujutsu sorcerer is best for him. After all, no sane person would willingly search a dead body."

"Wow, you're just as serious as Ryouma. Hmmmm, okay. Oryou-san will give you a frog when this is over. Consider it an Oryou-san special."

"Uhhh....thanks? By the way Ryouma, did all the victims suffer the same fate as this one?"

"Yes, they all have the same wound and all of them are missing their hearts. Though look at the watch on the body you're inspecting. What time does it say?"

Tsurugi soon looked at the watch on the victims wrist. The watch was broken and the time was stuck at midnight. Soon Tsurugi began to inspect all of the watches of the corpses. When he did, he saw that all of them were stuck on midnight. Soon a question formed in his head as he looked at Ryouma.

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