Chapter 57 Shibuya Incident XVI

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"Getou, I must ask. Why does Angra Mainyu need two vessels? Is it really that powerful?"

Angelica was standing before Getou. This question has left her confused for sometime now. With a light chuckle, Getou decided to give her a little history lesson.

"No, quite the opposite actually. Angra Mainyu is the weakest cursed spirit to exist."

"Then why do-"

"Did you know that in a small village long ago, humans offered up one of their own as a sacrifice. The sacrifice was just a normal boy, there was nothing special about him. The villagers etched several curse like markings on his body and deemed him to be all of the world's evil. By killing him, the rest of humanity would be pure. Angra Mainyu never existed in the first place until they did this foolish act."

Angelica was surprised by this. All the World's Evil never existed. It wasn't suppose to exist. Seeing her reaction, Getou continued his explanation.

"But as the boy was getting killed for no reason, in his mind, he began to slowly believe that maybe he was all of the evils of the world. As each second of his fading life passed, he began to curse humanity more and more. Soon after the boy's life had come to an end, that's when the curse of Angra Mainyu began to become real. As the only being compatible and being the catalyst for its birth, the lost soul returned to its body but under one condition, it too must hold the mantle known as Angra Mainyu, All The World's Evil. That's how the Imaginary Vengeful Spirit was born."

Soon Angelica was starting to think to herself. The reason Angra Mainyu needed two vessels wasn't because it was too powerful. A look of realization appeared on her face as she interpreted the meaning behind Getou's words. Soon Getou left as he confirmed her suspicions.

"Yes. It needed two vessels, because the curse known as Angra Mainyu is comprised of two entities. The boy who was used as a sacrifice and the actual curse which was birthed from human ignorance. Though if it found a compatible host who not only shared the same experience, as in being blamed for a tragedy outside of their control, and their very sense of self was completely empty....then both entities can share the same vessel."

As Getou was walking away, he began to think about a certain incident that happened in the past. Soon a small smile appeared on his face as he looked towards Angelica.

"The curse Angra Mainyu is what caused a great fire that killed everyone in a certain city except for one. Meanwhile, the soul of the sacrificed boy was inside of the body of someone in the Matou Family. Sadly, the actual curse was sealed inside a Child of God after a couple of years since the fire it started. So for it to get into a better and compatible host...the Child of God known as Miyu Sakatsuki had to be killed in close proximity towards the more compatible host."

~Flashback ends~
Angelica was seen standing on top of a large building. As she looked in the sky, she saw the pitch black hole oozing cursed energy. When she saw a drop of it landing on the ground, a small fire began to start.

"So that's the real Angra Mainyu, the curse. So it's other half, the sacrificed boy, must be nearby and fully awake."

As Angelica looked around, she saw Sukuna standing before a single boy. He had several markings all around his body. In terms of strength, he's the lowest of the low compared to other cursed spirits. Yet she could tell right away that he could possibly be more dangerous than Sukuna.

With a smirk on her face, Angelica opened a gate as she was heading to Getou's location. Meanwhile, Avenger and Sukuna were standing face to face.

"So then, why is a low level curse here?"

"Eh? I need a reason for the stuff I do? I'm the best when it comes to killing humans plus my basic nature is the embodiment of evil itself. I just listen to my instincts, like hell I need a reason."

A long silence was in the area. However, that silence soon broke apart as Sukuna and Avenger started laughing. Soon Avenger looked towards Sukuna as he had something important to say.

"Well Sukuna. I bet you already know that my vessel is special. Tsurugi Emiya, you fought against him before right."

"Hmmm. That brat with the swords. What about h-"

"What if I told you he forged Tsumukari Muramasa?"

Sukuna stared at Avenger with a serious look on his face. He remembered that sword all too well. The same blade that almost defeated him long ago. Soon his eyes were wide when he realized something. The sense of familiarity when he first met Tsurugi, the way he fights, and the ability to create blades. Soon Sukuna looked towards Avenger.

"Is your vessel-"

"Let's make things interesting. We'll settle this matter with a bet."

Sukuna raised an eyebrow as he was intrigued by what Avenger was doing. Giving him a major hint and withholding important info behind a simple gamble. As much as Sukuna wanted to kill him for this, he had to admit, Avenger had guts and he's smart enough to not tell Sukuna everything at once otherwise he'd be killed when he was done.

"Fine then. What are the terms of this bet?"

"Simple. Shibuya is a large city and there a bunch of humans here. Hell, since human sin is my sustenance, it may as well be a buffet. The bet is simple. If you win, i'll answer the question that is flooding your mind right now. And if I let my vessel kill a certain man with stitches on his head."

"Oh. Fine then, you're lucky this is interesting. So then what will we do to decide the winner of this bet?"

A simple smile was on Avenger's face as he looked at the sky. So much cursed energy was gathered in one spot. As he turned around, he looked at Sukuna with a smirk on his face.

"Simple. Let's see who can kill the most humans in Shibuya."



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