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Alexandria's P.O.V
So I barely make it in time for school again. I walk in the school and go through the metal detectors and head for the cafeteria. (we have to wait to be able to go to our homeroom). Then I sit in my usual seat which is with Hope, Thalia, Jae, and Aria but she isn't here yet. So while I wait for Aria I go on Instagram to show off my pictures of Harry. After I was done showing the three girls all of my pictures Aria walks through the cafeteria doors. All I can say is "YAY ARIA IS IN THE HOUSE". Then everyone starts laughing alongside with me. Shortly after that Mrs.Z says we are allowed to go. I go on telling Aria about how Harry DMed me and how I could not stop smiling because of it. All she did was smile and pretend to like him for me I know she doesn't really care but it shows she cares about me and what I like. Aria Jae and I walk to homeroom. While we are walking all I think about is "Are people looking at me?" and "Is it because I look fat or is it because I look ratchet?". But instead of diving into my thoughts I listen to Aria tell me a story about her older sister. We finally reach homeroom and to my suprise Mrs. Abromawitz was there already. We go in and sit in our seats. Mrs.A takes roll and those who leave leave. I made it through reading. Now it's time for Math😡😠 I go in sit down I do my P.D.N the class does the assigned work. After that I head for Science. I go in copy the P.D.N down then join in on the conversation. (that is basically all we do in third period) Next on the list is lunch....
Author's note
Hey guys I personally don't know if I did good on my first ever story so please comment and tell me what I did wrong what I did right and what you think my next couple of characters names should be bye wuv you

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