Thursday May 25th 2017
I worked hard with Ben to make sure Corey and Meg's house was all tidy and cleaned for when they came home. Ben had taken all the alcohol and put it in a lockable cupboard and taken the key to give to Meghan. "You okay Jaz?" Ben said coming over to me.

"I don't really know. Just so much has happened this last month for the two of them. Their whole lives have changed. And I just want what's best for them both. I just hope Corey is okay. And that he can get though all this and live the perfect life he and Meghan deserve with their son."

"I know what you mean. And I hope they will be okay too. I'm sure they will be. They have all our support. And support from their families. Corey's parents are coming over today once they get home so they can be with him too. And Meg's parents have called them a lot over the last couple of days too." I nodded and kissed Ben softly as we went and sat on the couch with Theo.

"Hey Ben. There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but with everything that happened the other day it got pushed to the back of my mind."

"What is it love?"

"Well you've been spending a lot more nights at my place. And I love that so much. And Kath loves it too. She loves waking up at the weekends and jumping on my bed and giving us both cuddles. She loves when you put her to sleep. And I love getting to cuddle with you at night and in the mornings and sleeping in your arms is so perfect. And I hate the nights where I'm apart from you and... well... I um."

"You want me to move in with you?" Ben said stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Yeah. I do. Obviously only if you want to. I know we've only been dating just over 6 months but yeah. I love you so much and I love being around you all the time."

"I'd love to move in with you girls. My girls. You two are my everything. You're my world. And I've actually been debating on asking you, but given the circumstances I knew it would be me moving into yours, not you moving into mine. So I didn't think it was my place to ask."

"Aww you're the sweetest. And for the record, had you asked if you'd be able to move in with us, I for sure would have said yes." I said before pulling him into a deep kiss, which became a make out up until we heard the front door open. We separated with a giggle and went over. I immediately took Elliott from Meg's arms and she helped Corey. He had this nervous look on his face.

"Cor, love. You're going to be okay. I promise." Meghan said reassuring her husband. Ben and I stepped back and followed the couple into the main room. "Ben, Jaz? Did you guys do all this?" Meghan asked looking at the spotless house and the hamper of things for the three of them to enjoy.

"Yeah. You guys have had an incredibly rough few days and a crazy month. So we thought we'd do a little something to help. Deep cleaned the house, done some batch cooking of some of your favourite meals, stocked the fridge and pantry and got you a little goodie hamper to help you though the next few weeks and you begin this recovery phase together."

"Thank you so much." Corey said walking over to me. He gave me a side hug as I still held Elliott in my arms and he gave his son a little tickle on the stomach. "You two are the greatest best friends in the whole world and we're so lucky to have you in our lives."

"We're lucky to have you guys too. And we all know if everything was the other way around you'd do the exact same for us." I smiled.

"Well maybe not the deep cleaning from Corey. But I'd have done it." Meg chuckled as she gave Ben a thank you hug. They then swapped and hugged the other. The couple sat down on the couch and I handed Elliott to Corey.

"Here's daddy." I said softly. Elliott had his eyes open and he and Corey just looked at one another so lovingly. Corey had such pride in his eyes and he was so smitten and full of love for his son. I sat with Ben on the other couch and the two of us talked quietly to one another as Meg and Corey cuddled with their son. "The cabaret in the few weeks, you said your parents are coming. Do you want to move in before then, and have them stay at mine, or move in after and they can stay at yours."

The Reality of Life - Ben Fankhauser Where stories live. Discover now