Chapter 9: Playtime!

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Ash, lucario, Rotom, pikachu, and mew arrived at mew's play area. "Pika!" pikachu said, recognizing the place he was "held captive".

 "Wow!" Ash said, looking around at the area. There were a bunch of trees and the ground was covered in grass. There were blue crystals here and there, creating light. There were random toys everywhere.

Mew threw random toys at them and they caught them and checked out what they were and how to use them.

They played with toys and mew for a while. Pikachu was chasing mew around when he fell off a small cliff. "You fell for the same trick!" mew giggled. "Pika pikachu!" pikachu shouted up at mew.

"Hehe. Come on!" Mew led everyone over to a tree with a circle on it. Pikachu smiled and jumped through it. Ash was surprised. He and mew stuck their head through the circle.

It was a glowing, rocky, tunnel. The walls were green and green bubbles of all sizes rose up. Ash looked up and saw pikachu riding up on one. "Pika pika pi!" pikachu shouted, waving down at them. Ash smiled and jumped. He landed on a big bubble and rose up next to pikachu. "Wait for me!" Rotom shouted, going through the circle. He flew up next to Ash and pikachu. Lucario slowly stuck it's head through next to mew and looked around cautiously. A bubble rose up next to them and lucario batted it with his paw. It was squishy and it wobbled but kept rising up.

Lucario jumped onto a big bubble and rose up next to Ash, pikachu, and Rotom. Mew giggled and was just about to join them when she heard a twig snap. She took her head out of the circle and saw a boy with black and red hair and a grey and red outfit.

Gou's POV

I followed them into a giant place that was grassy and had a bunch of trees and crystals. A lot of toys were spread out all over the ground. I hid behind a giant bolder and watched with envy as mew threw different toys at them and they played with them. They played with mew and pikachu was chasing it.

After a while, mew led them over to a big tree with a circle. Then, amazingly, pikachu jumped right through the circle. Mew and Ash poked their heads through it, and then Ash disappeared inside. I watched as the thing Brock called 'Rotom', flew into the circle. Then lucario stuck it's head through and eventually disappeared.

I was alone with mew. This was my chance to make friends with it and catch it! I cautiously stepped forward. It didn't turn around, so I walked further towards it. I cringed as I heard a snap. I looked down and saw a twig underneath my foot. Great.

Mew turned around and saw me. It cocked it's head and watched me. I decided it was safe and walked forward. "Hi mew." I said softly. It kept staring at me. "I wanna be friends." I tried again. It just stared. This was getting frustrating. I then remembered the pokemon food in my pocket. I took it out and placed in on the ground. I smiled as mew flew forward slowly.

When it reached the food, it ate it up. "Who are you?" a feminine voice asked. I jumped. "W-what?" I asked. "Who's there?" Mew looked up at me. "It's just me." I heard that voice again. Then it slowly dawned on me what was happening. Telepathy! Of course! "I'm Gou." I replied. "How did you find me?" it asked. "I-err. I found this place on accident. It's been my dream ever since I was little to meet you. I'm not sure if you remember, but I saw you when I was little. It was at Professor Oak's Summer Camp. You battled with a nidoking and saved a baby kangaskhan." I said.

Mew thought about it and said, "I remember. You're the kid with the maroon haired girl who kept chasing me." I blushed out of embarrassment. "S-sorry. I just wanted to see you up close. It was amazing how you beat that nidoking and I'd never even heard of a pokemon that looked like you. After you left, Professor Oak told us that it was mew that we saw. Ever since then, it's been my dream to meet you." I said.

Mew giggled. "Well hello Gou!" I took out a few berries and 2 apples from my backpack. "Here." I said, passing the berries to mew. She took them and ate them happily. I took an apple and bit into it. Maybe I really was gonna catch mew! We talked as we ate and we played with the toys for a little before mew said, "Well that was fun! I should go though."

"But wait! I was hoping could travel with me." I said. Mew was silent for a while. It looked like she was deep in thought. "Traveling..traveling..." she whispered to herself, but I still heard it. A smile appeared on her face. Yes! She was going to say yes and I could catch her. I was so excited that I almost missed what she said next. And I honestly wish I had.

"Traveling sounds fun...but I can't go with you." she said sadly. "W-what? Why not?" I asked. "Because I had an idea and I'm afraid it wouldn't work out if I went with you." she said. "Oh." I said sadly. I was so sure she was going to say yes! But what could her "idea" be? "Ok." I said. She smiled sadly. But I thought I saw a look of pure happiness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." was all she said before disappearing through the circle in the tree.

A'yo ppl! Sorry I've been gone so long! I've been working on my Ask or Dare and Pokemon Academy. I will probably update soon. I hope U like this chapter!


- PokeMeow

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