Chapter 10: Crushed Dream

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Gou had waited a while after mew left, and then decided to follow it.

He stuck his head through the circle. "Wow..." Gou marveled at the giant, floating, bubbles. He touched one and it felt squishy. He jumped onto a big one and rose up quickly.


Ash, pikachu, lucario, Rotom, and mew had been spit out of the Bubble Tunnel (what mew dubbed it). They came out of a tree that looked just like the one in mew's Play Area. They were spit out onto a grassy patch, high up in the Tree Of Beginning. "Amazing.." Ash marveled at the beautiful view.

"What now?" Ash asked. Mew had been quiet for a while. "Mew?" Ash asked. Mew snapped out of her thoughts. "W-what?" she asked. "Are you ok?" ha asked. "Pika pikachu pi.." pikachu said. "I'm fine." she said, waving off the question. Ash shrugged and asked, "So what should we do now?"

Mew thought for a moment then said, "I guess you should go back to the palace. It's getting dark." And she was right. They had lost track of time on what they were doing. "Come on!" she said, leading them to a tree facing opposite the one that they had come out of. It had an identical circle on it. Mew stuck her head through. It was the same as the other tunnel, except these tunnels had bubbles that went down.

"Cool!" Ash said. He jumped onto a bubble, followed by pikachu, lucario, and Rotom who flew to them. Mew followed up the rear and then they were shot out in the Play Area by a tree that was opposite the one they first entered to go up.

"Alright! Let's go back to the center of the tree!" Mew led them away.


Gou had been spit out of a tree that looked just like the one he just entered. He saw Ash, pikachu, Rotom, lucario and mew staring at the view. He quietly crept behind a clump of trees. He heard them talking, but couldn't hear what they were saying.

A while later, mew led them to an identical tree, opposite to the one that had spit them out. Ash peeked his head in then disappeared. Then pikachu, lucario, Rotom and then mew. Gou waited for a while before sticking his head through the circle. It looked the same as the one he came in earlier, but the bubbles went down. He jumped onto one and emerged a while later out of an identical tree.

He was just in time to see the end of mew's tail disappear around a corner.

Goh's POV

I followed mew. When I turned the corner I saw them far ahead of me. I waited until they turned another corner before running after them. After a bunch of twists and turns, we finally emerged into the place I first saw mew.

Ash was about to say goodbye when mew said, "Can I travel with you?"

As those words reached my ears, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. So that's why she couldn't travel with me. She wanted to be with someone else. Ash.

"What?!" Ash asked. "Pika pi pikachu!?" pikachu shouted. "Does not compute! DOES NOT COMPUTE!!" Rotom yelled. Even lucario was surprised. Which means it had to be pretty crazy.

"I want to travel with you!" mew said. "Why?" Ash asked. "Because I wanna travel the world and who better to do it with than you!" mew exclaimed. "I don't know if mom will take too kindly to me catching one of you." Ash frowned.

What did he mean his mom? Delia would probably be really happy if Ash caught a legendary.

Mew did a flip in the air. "It'll be fine!" mew said. Ash sighed. "Alright. But if she get's mad, it's your fault." Ash took out a pokeball. Mew tapped it's head against it and a red beam of light sucked her in. The pokeball didn't even shake once.

I was so jealous of Ash. He achieved my dream!

Just then the pokeball flew open. Mew flew out. "Geez, it's cramped in there! Now I see why pikachu likes it on your shoulder!" she exclaimed. Mew landed on Ash's head. "Maybe I should go under cover and transform into something!" They all sweatdropped.

Pikachu started making what I think were...suggestions? "Pika?" "No." "Pika?" "Nah." "Pika!" "Too fluffy." "Pika!" "Too big." "Pika?!" "Uhh, Too cold." "PIKA!?!" "Hmm. Perfect!" "Pikachu..." Pikachu plopped down on the ground to rest.

Mew glowed and then transformed. She grew pointed ears and her tail became pointy at the end. Her fur became purple with tan in some places. "A purrlion?" Ash asked. Mew giggled. "It's purrfect!"

Ash rolled his eyes. Then they left through another tunnel.

I followed them through winding tunnels and steep slopes. Finally, we emerged from the tree.

I hid behind a tree and watched them go back through the forest. I followed shortly. By the time we reached the palace, it was 3AM. Ash walked through the palace gates while I watched and then went back to my room.

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