Chapter 5: The Mysterious Pokémon and Their Eggs!

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Ash had to help the stranded Pokémon. Just then he had an idea. "What are we gonna do?" pikachu asked worriedly. "Don't worry, buddy. I have a plan." Ash replied. Ash used his aura to teleport back to the palace and into the artificial forest. He returned snorlax, buizel, and lapras and teleported back to the river.

 He let snorlax out of it's pokeball and it landed in the river, blocking the flow of water. Next, he let out buizel. "Buziel go check how deep the water is." Ash commanded. Buziel went underwater to check. A little while later, buizel came back up to the surface. "It's pretty deep." Buizel said. "Go lapras!" Ash shouted. Lapras came out of it's pokeball. Ash got on lapras and it swam over to the rock. The Pokémon shrank down in fear. "It's ok I won't hurt you. I'm trying to help you." Ash soothed. Eventually the Pokémon came around. Ash placed them onto lapras. It made 3 trips getting Ash and all the Pokémon to land.

When they all got to land, the strange Pokémon ran into the forest, "Hey, where are you going?" Ash shouted after them. He returned snorlax, buizel and lapras to their pokeballs and ran after the Pokémon. They entered a small clearing with lots of flowers. Ash saw the mystery Pokémon walk over to a clump of flowers. He tried to walk over to them, but he crashed into some kind of barrier. "What in the world?" Ash said. "Hmm. Pikachu use iron tail!" "Pika pika chu-pi!" Pikachu used iron tail and the barrier cracked a tiny bit. "Pikachu electro ball!" Ash commanded. "Pika pika pika chu!" Pikachu used the move, but the barrier stayed strong. "Hmm. Pikachu use iron tail volt tackle." "Pika pika pika pika chupi-ka!" Pikachu used both moves and the barrier cracked a lot. "Alright now, pikachu use electro ball quick attack!" "Pi pi pi pi pika pika chu!" Pikachu used electro ball and quick attack and the barrier shattered. Ash ran over to the Pokémon and saw that the clump of flowers, wasn't a clump of flowers at all! They were eggs!

Ash looked at the eggs. Two of them were the same, but the third one was a different color, but with the same pattern. Pikachu jumped onto the ground and inspected the eggs.

 Pikachu jumped onto the ground and inspected the eggs

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 "Hmm I wonder what they are." he said. "I know! I'll check them with my aura." Ash said. He concentrated hard.

"They're eevee! Are they your eggs?" Ash asked the mystery Pokémon

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"They're eevee! Are they your eggs?" Ash asked the mystery Pokémon. They nodded their heads. "Wait a moment. If their your eggs, that means that you must have evolved from eevee!" Ash concluded. The mysterious pokemon all nodded their heads, except for one near the back. "Wow! So that means that there are more eeveelutions that we haven't discovered!" Just then a strange Pokémon jumped down from in the trees. "Wow, a zeraora!" Zeraora got into it's battle position, but upon seeing who it was, Zeraora calmed down. "Wait a minute aren't you-" Ash was interrupted by a voice saying, "Ash! Is it really you?" Ash was shocked. "Dia?!"

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