Chapter 1: Ash and Gou

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"We gotta wake up now you know." Gou said groggily. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Ash yawned, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "Pikaaa..." Ash's faithful partner, Pikachu, mimicked him. "Rab..." Gou's Raboot yawned, following Gou down as he climbed down the bunk's ladder. "Hey, are you two up yet?" a girl's voice floated through the door. "Breakfast is ready." She walked into the room. "Oh, you guys are up. Well that's a first." Chloe said with a hint of surprise. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Gou asked, offended. "Never mind, breakfast is ready." she replied, before exiting the room.

"Well then, let's go." Gou sighed. But Ash's mind seemed to be elsewhere. "Ash? Ash! ASH!!" Gou shouted, snapping Ash out of his thoughts. "Sorry, what?" "Ash are you okay?" Gou asked him, a bit concerned for his friend. It wasn't like Ash to be so out-of-it. "I'm fine. What were you saying?" Ash replied. "Well, breakfast is re-" "Breakfast! Alright!" Ash exclaimed, hopping out his bed and immediately hitting his head on the bunk above him. "Pika pi!?" Pikachu said, looking over at his trainer in concern. "I'm fine." Ash said, rubbing his head before proceeding to rush out of the room, his partner right behind him. Gou smiled a bit and shook his head, leaving the room after them.

Ash, Gou, Pikachu and Raboot were eating breakfast. Ash and Pikachu were scarfing down their food at an unrivaled pace. Gou was eating as well, albeit much slower, and scrolling through his Rotom Phone. "Ash! We have to go!" Gou exclaimed suddenly, noticing the time and jumping up out of his seat, rushing past one Mr. Mime, who was miming spinning around dizzily after being knocked over. "Sorry!" Gou shouted, dragging Ash away. "But I didn't get to finish my breakfast!" "Well, that's what you get for waking up late!" Pikachu hopped on his shoulder, and Raboot sighed, following them.

When they arrived at the lab, Professor Cerise welcomed them. "Hello there, you two!" "Good morning, Professor!" Gou greeted. "So, what are we doing today?" he asked. "I'm glad you asked! Actually, there's going to be a festival in honor of a man named Sir Aaron in the Kingdom of Rota. I thought you two could go there and check it out, and experience some ancient culture." Professor Cerise explained. Hearing this, Ash tensed. 'Oh no! I totally forgot! I have to go there and get ready! I wonder what Lucario's doing right now. Probably training...'

"Ash? Ash! ASH!!" Gou shouted at his friend, snapping him out of his thoughts once more. "Huh, what?!" Ash asked, looking around in surprise. "Ash, that's the second time you've done that. What's on your mind? You can tell me you know." Gou said, concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing. Sorry to worry you." Ash smiled. "Okay, if you say so. Anyway, we have to go to Rota! The festival sounds amazing!" "Yeah, let's do it!" Ash fist pumped, Pikachu imitating him. Ash paused, thinking of something. "I'll be right back." he said, before rushing off. "I wonder what that was about. What do you think Raboot?" Gou said suspiciously. "Ra boot." Raboot replied, shrugged its shoulders. "Right..." Gou sweatdropped. A moment later, he made the logical choice: follow Ash.

Meanwhile, With Ash

Ash made two calls. After finishing the first one, he dialed the second number and called. "Hello?" said a man's voice. "Hello Norman, its good to see you again!" Ash said. "Ash, hello! To what do I owe this pleasure?" said Norman. "Well I was wondering if I could speak with May and Max?" "Of course! Hold on a moment, I'll get them." Norman said, disappearing from the screen for a bit. 'Who is Ash talking to? What's going on?' Gou wondered, from his spying-spot around the corner.

"Ash?" a young boy and a girl asked in unison, appearing on the screen. "Hey there, May and Max!" Ash smiled. "It's so great to see you again Ash!" said Max. "Yeah, Ash!" said May. "Anyways, I was wondering if you two could come to the festival in Rota. I already called Brock, and he agreed to meet a day early." Ash said. "Ash, that's a great idea!" May exclaimed. "Yeah, we can see Lady Ilene and Lucario again!" Max said excitedly. "Alright then, we can meet a day before the festival. See you guys then!" Ash said "Bye Ash! See you later!" the siblings said together.

 'What was that about? How does Ash know them? I feel like I barely know anything about him...' Gou thought. He'd never really thought about Ash's life before coming to lab. Logically, he knew he'd travelled and been a trainer much longer than Gou himself, but he supposed he'd never stopped to think about any of the people he might've met along the way. 

Ash hung up and sighed. "Well, better get ready. I can bring that costume Ilene gave me. At least I'll get to see them again. Who knows, maybe I might even go to say hi to Mew." Ash said, smiling a bit to himself, before walking back to the lab.

'Mew?! Ash knows Mew and he never told me?! Ash knew my dream to catch Mew and he yet he never even thought to tell me he met it. Doesn't he trust me?' Gou thought, sighing sadly and making his way back to the lab.

The next morning, Ash woke up early and decided to go outside and train. "A battle challenge has been issued." Ash's Rotom Phone buzzed.

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