3 • We get caught (twice)

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Ever tried to drive a flying car? It's harder than you think it is.

I had to keep it straight, I had to keep going at the same pace, and the twins kept yelling at me to go left, right, up, or down. But I had to drive instead of George; you never know what those twins are up to.

"(Y/N), WATCH OUT! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Fred yelled.

I believed this and panicked until I saw their grins. Ron was smiling too. I felt a little sorry for him to be stuck with these two, but he was used to it by now. Merlin knows what those three will do when they grow up.

After one or five hours, we were finally at Surrey, where Harry lived with his uncle, aunt, and cousin. I wanted to practice hexes on them for treating Harry like that, but seeing as I was underage, I couldn't.

I drove as quietly as I could, but the quietest this car could go was loud. As we got closer, I saw Harry slowly wake up, which was good and bad news. Good news- we didn't have to wake Harry up. Bad news- the car might be loud enough to wake up the Dursleys. Poor Harry, his windows had bars on them.

Harry slowly went towards the window in surprise. First, he was sleepy, then he saw us. I saw him mutter something (like how do they hear Harry in the movies when the window is closed-). Ron waved and tried to move his hands as if to say, stand back. Harry, thank Merlin, understood, and backed away from the window. George opened the window and hooked the hook on the bars as we planned.

"Your turn, (y/n)," Fred said.

I turned the car the opposite way and drove fast. Just as we hoped, the bar broke off, hopefully not waking the Dursleys. Harry stood there, in shock.

"Ron, Fred, George, (y/n). . .what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Rescuing you of course!" I replied. "Why else would we be here?"

"What- is that a flying car?!"

"Uh- duh."

"You four have a lot of explaining to do. . ."

I glanced nervously at the door. "Explaining later. Get your trunk, broom, and Hedwig. Quick, before they wake up."

Harry looked at the door too. "But- my trunk and all, are in the broom closet downstairs. Even if I could go there, there's still a big lock on my door."

Fred grinned. "Leave that to the big boys."

He and George got out of the car and jumped through the window as if they did this every day. Who knows, maybe they do. Ron always told me he wondered how those two met Lee Jordan a lot these days. Anyways, George took a- hairpin from his pocket. Genius, those twins. George put the hairpin in the lock and picked it while telling Harry about how Muggle tricks were helpful too. Soon, the door opened, and Harry went downstairs with the twins, trying to be quiet. So, I was left with Ronald in the car.

"What was that thing they used to open the door?" Ron asked in awe, still looking at the unlocked door.

I sighed. "You sometimes need to listen to your dad, Ron."

His face reddened. "I do listen. Sometimes. I mean I do- sometimes I don- I'll shut up."

"Maybe," I laughed, then heard something. "Look, they're coming back!"

Sure enough, the twins and Harry came back, with all of Harry's school stuff, but they seemed in a hurry.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Quick!" George whisper-yelled. "They woke up."

We tried to load everything quickly while Hedwig screeched, and the Dursleys finally understood what was going on,

(Y/N) Black and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now