4 • Harry goes Diagonally

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So much for sneaking out.

"Er. . .well. . ." Ron hesitated. The three looked horrified, which would be entertaining if I wasn't part of it.


"They were starving him, Mum," Ron said, "there were bars on his window!"


That made Ron shut up.

"Is she always like this?" I whispered to Fred.

"Pretty much," he replied.


"We didn't-" George started.


The yelling seemed to take hours, but me and Harry managed to stay out of it. Then finally, she turned to us. I flinched, ready for her screaming.

But instead, she suddenly turned nice. "Of course, I don't blame you two, dears. Also, welcome, Harry." She looked back at her sons. "YOUR FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS." Aaand she looks back at me and Harry again. "Come on. Time for breakfast."

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Because of Mrs. Weasley's awesome screaming, Ginny and Hermione were awake too. While we settled on the table, Mrs. Weasley brought the food to the table.

"Morning Weasleys!" I heard Mr. Weasley come in from behind. We all greeted him, and he settled on the table. He started eating until he noticed Harry on the table. Took him long enough. "And who are you?"

"Oh, sorry sir," Harry said, "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

"Blimey. Ron's told us all about you of course. When did he get here?" he asked Mrs. Weasley.

"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."

"And me-" I added.

"As I said, I don't blame you, dear."

He turned to us in awe. "Did you really? How did it go?" we were just about to reply, but Mrs. Weasley smacked her with a Gilderoy Lockhart book (siriusly?). "Er. . I meant. . .that was very wrong of you four. Very wrong of you."

We exchanged grins. Just then, an owl- Errol- squawked and hit the window. Oof. Mrs. Weasley asked Percy (Perfect Percy, the twins muttered) to get the letters from Errol.

"Look, it's our Hogwarts letters," Percy said, "and there're Harry and (y/n)'s too. Dumbledore must've known you're here."

I took my letter, which was just like last year's, and looked at the long supply list:

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 by Miranda Goshawk
Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart
Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart
Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart
Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart
Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart
Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart
Year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Standard Book of Spells by Goshawk," I read aloud, "Break with a Banshee, by Gilderoy Lockhart, Gadding with Ghouls, by Gilderoy Lockhart. Holiday with Hags, by. . .Gilderoy. .Lockhart. . ."

"You got Lockhart books too?" Fred asked.

"The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher be a fan," George said, "bet she's a witch." Then he caught Mrs. Weasley's eye and started playing with his marmalade.

"Those books are very expensive Mum," Ron said, "won't be cheap."

"We'll manage."

"Er. . .sorry, but- who's Gilderoy Lockhart?" Harry asked.

"You do not want to know," I replied.

"You do want to know," Hermione said. "He's the best author ever! And his looks. . ." she stopped because she realized she was blushing.

When we finished breakfast, Mrs. Weasley stopped us from going upstairs. "No, you four can go, Harry, (y/n), Ginny, and Hermione. Those boys have some de-gnoming to do." Hermione and Ginny went up, but me and Harry stayed.

"I'll help," I volunteered. "De-gnoming is fun!"

"Yeah, I'll help too," Harry said.

"Very sweet of you dears, but it's very dull work," Mrs. Weasley said. "Now, let's see what Lockhart's got to say on that subject." She took out Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pets. She stared at his photo for a while.

"Mum fancies him," George grinned.

"Don't be ridiculous George," Mrs. Weasley said, but she was blushing. "If you think you're better than Lockhart, do it yourself then. I shouldn't see a single gnome when you're done."

We went outside and started throwing gnomes around. It was pretty normal to me, but Harry was fascinated. After an afternoon of de-gnoming, we came back inside and relaxed in our rooms for a while. Mrs. Weasley went outside to make sure there were no gnomes left. About 10 minutes later, she came to the room me and Hermione shared.

"C'mon, time to go," she said.

"Go where?" Hermione asked.

"Diagon Alley. Now be quick, you're the only ones left."

We quickly got ready and went downstairs, where everyone else was by the fireplace. Mrs. Weasley had Floo Powder in her hands. I'd prefer using the Knight Bus, but I remembered the Weasleys couldn't afford it. I didn't want to be recognized again anyway.

"Ah there you are," Mrs. Weasley said. "C'mon Harry, guests first. Then you can go (y/n)."

"But Harry never used Floo Powder before, Mum," Ron said.

"Floo-what?" Harry asked.

"Oh well then," Mrs. Weasley turned to the twins, "you two can show Harry how it's done."

Fred went first. He scooped up some Floo Powder and threw it in the fire. Then, he went into the fire, which was green now. Harry looked scared: maybe he thought he was sacrificing himself or something. But Fred was alright.

"Diagon Alley!" he yelled and was gone.

"See Harry?" George asked, getting some Floo Powder too. "It's simple. Diagon Alley!" then he vanished too.

"Your turn now Harry," Mrs. Weasley said, giving Harry the pot. "Speak very clearly."

"Keep your elbows tucked in," Ron advised.

"And your eyes shut," Mrs. Weasley added. "Don't fidget, or get out early. We don't want you ending up in the wrong place. Wait 'till you see the twins."

Harry threw the Powder into the fire, and it turned green. Slowly, he stepped into the fire.

"Don't forget to speak very clearly," Mrs. Weasley reminded.

"DIAGONALLY!" I heard Harry shout.

The fire rose a little higher than usual, the sound a little bit more intense, and soon, Harry was gone to Diagonally.

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(Y/N) Black and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now