5 • #StalkingMalfoy

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Sorry, this chapter is a bit short, but I tried-

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"Welp," I said.

"What did he say?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Diagonally," Mr. Weasley replied.

"Close enough," I said, "I mean, where else can he end up except Diagon Alley?"

"Hopefully nowhere else," Mrs. Weasley said, "now, you go next (y/n)."

I got the Floo Powder and went into the fireplace, then threw the Powder into the fire. The emerald flames were almost choking me, but I managed to yell, just to annoy myself (but to actually find Harry), "DIAGONALLY!"

• • •

The world twisted around me, but at last, I was thrown out of a rusty fireplace. I looked around and saw that I was in a very dark place, with some interesting objects. And gah- I was covered in soot.

"Harry?" I whispered. "Are you there?"

At first, it was silent, but then I heard footsteps. Thank Merlin, it was Harry.

"(Y/n)?" he asked. "Why are you here? How-"

"Did what you did. Went 'diagonally.'"

"Ookay. But where are we?"

I looked around. "Dunno. Looks like a shop."

"Figured that out myself."

Then, a bell rang from not so far away. The door opened, and inside came the last two persons I wanted to meet: Malfoy and what looked like his father.

"Quick, in here," Harry opened a cabinet, and we both got inside. We left a crack open so we could see what was happening.

Malfoy was looking around and trying to touch some of the items in the store. Before he could touch anything though, Mr. Malfoy stopped him.

"Don't touch anything, Draco," he warned.

"I thought you were going to buy me a present," Malfoy said.

"I said I'll buy you a racing broom."

"What's the good of that if I'm not on the House team?" Malfoy complained. "Potter and Black got a Nimbus 2000 last year. Special permission from Dumbledore so they could play for Gryffindor. They're not even that good, it's just because they're famous . . . famous for having a stupid scar. . .everyone thinks they're so smart, wonderful Potter and Black with their scars and broomsticks-"

I couldn't help but snort quietly. Malfoy, jealous? Never saw that coming.

"You have told me a dozen times already," Mr. Malfoy said (Malfoy's been talking about us- yeah, totally normal). "Ah- Mr. Borgin."

A guy -Borgin, most likely- emerged from behind, and I suddenly knew where we were.

"Harry," I whispered, "I think we're in Borgin and Burkes. In Knockturn Alley."


I mentally facepalmed. This kid seemed to have a habit of mistaking places for words.

"No, Knockturn Alley. It's straight off Diagon Alley, which is not pronounced the same as diagonally."

"So we went to Diagon Alley diagonally. We're not far then!"

"Yep, thank Merlin." Then we continued to eavesdrop on the Malfoys and Borgin.

"- not buying today, Borgin," Mr. Malfoy was saying, "I'm selling."

"Selling?" asked Borgin.

Mr. Malfoy motioned at Malfoy, who put a box on the table.

"You have heard, of course, that the Ministry is conducting more raids," continued Mr. Malfoy, taking a roll of parchment from his inside pocket and unraveling it for Borgin to read. "I have a few- ah- items at home that might embarrass me if the Ministry were to call. . ."

"That git. . ." I muttered.

"W-what is he doing?" Harry asked.

"The Ministry- Ron's dad, mostly- do raids, remember? They raid people's houses, and obviously, Malfoy's dad has some illegal stuff in his house. Now that I think of it, their house must be big, big enough to hold House Elves. . .like Dobby."

"Dobby? The Malfoys' House Elf? I dunno (y/n). . ."

"Shh," I whispered because Malfoy was coming towards us. Thankfully, he didn't show interest in our cabinet, or else it would be embarrassing. He looked at some more items with more "CAUTION!" signs, until his dad dragged him outside (that just made him sound like a toddler- good). Borgin went wherever he was before the Malfoys came.

"I think it's safe to get out now," I said.

We quietly got out of the cabinet -it was hot in there- and tiptoed outside. Knockturn Alley wasn't any better than inside Borgin and Burkes. Some- interesting- people were walking around us, staring into our eyes. Trust me- it was creepy.

"Not lost are you my dear?" a woman who needed to take a bath asked.

"Nope, we're okay," I tried to smile, but it must've looked like I was constipated or something.

"Come with us," the woman grinned, "we can help you find your way back!"

"No- we're fine, really," Harry said.

"Harry, (y/n)!" a voice yelled from above. "What d'yeh think yer doin' down there?"

"Hagrid!" I sighed in relief.

"We got lost-" Harry said. "Floo Powder-"

"No time ter explain," Hagrid said quickly, "c'mere before no one else sees yer!"

We hurried out to Diagon Alley (not diagonally this time), and saw Hermione. When she saw us, she sighed and smiled.

"Harry! (Y/n)!" she came over to hug me, and then looked at the two of us. "Come on, everyone was so worried!"

She led us to Flourish and Blotts, where a lot of wizards -mostly women- were gathered. We found the Weasleys and went towards them.

"Oh thank Merlin, you two are here," Mrs. Weasley said when she saw us. "And (y/n)- that was very foolish to do, knowingly doing that-" but then everyone started clapping and she went quiet.

I realized why the clapping was for: Gilderoy Lockhart. Of course. Almost all the women (including Hermione and Ginny, siriusly) were looking at him in awe.

"Yes, yes, it's me," Lockhart said as if trying to be modest. Pft.

"This is for the Daily Prophet!" a plump guy made his way through all the women.

He took out a camera and took a couple photos of Lockhart. After the pictures, Lockhart stopped grinning for a second.

He stopped grinning for a second. "It can't be Harry Potter and (y/n) Black."

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(Y/N) Black and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now