Fifteen - Damn it, Skylar.

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P.O.V Ag

At that very moment Brooke had fallen asleep on my chest. Our legs were entwined and her soft hair tickled me, the way her nose wrinkled in her sleep was a captivating sight.

The day was not so hot, winter was coming and I was looking forward to being able to share a blanket and hot chocolate while watching some movie on Netflix. I fell in love too quickly, but with Brooke everything was even more intense and vivid. Bruna had told me that she lived too fast and everything was too intense for her. I liked it, although I often thought it wasn't my thing. I had relationships with many different girls and everyone said that I was a player, which was not true.
Between being with a different girl each day and being alone, I preferred the first option. It wasn't like there was much of a choice. Mia explained to me several times that this was the wrong way to look for a relationship, but the more I looked for it, the worse things I found.
I've been betrayed a thousand times, exchanged and used like it's worthless, and then I dated girls who did it repeatedly. This quickly became a vicious cycle of "You are not good enough." Or "You're just beautiful, so I'm with you."
And they still had the worst "I just want to be in your bed for fame."

I understood that I didn't need this anymore after I met Brooke. She didn't give a damn how many likes she had on tik tok or how many people followed her on Instagram. Brooke never talked about social media, she took real life seriously and it delighted me so much that I just wanted it for myself. Of course, Brooke is a very special girl, Avery, Anna and Kasper always try to drag her into some random dance at the Tik tok and although she left, she never asked what that would bring her. Her Instagram platform was huge and she responded to comments partly politely, but didn't post as often.

It didn't just get my attention. Recently Mia and I fought badly here at home, Mia liked her a lot and I couldn't do much. I always sought approval from my best friend and that is why, that day I preferred to give up Brooke. I couldn't be more wrong. Eventually Mia and I apologized to each other and resolved everything as best friends would, but my main problem was neither Mia nor Skylar. It was Maihua.

I knew that Maihua liked Brooke a little. After the party for Ap at her house I could see that maybe Brooke could also have feelings for her and the insecurity hit me.
Maihua was older, more mature, much more responsible and experienced.
The fact that she was no longer dating made me worried because what if Brooke decides that she deserves better and that I am not enough?
Any of the girls had a lot more qualities than me, even Mia, and since then I can't blame any of my friends. I mean, Brooke is so captivating and mysterious in some way, it’s not unusual that she attracts so many girls.

The little girl shifted restlessly over me. Probably waking up.

- What time is it, Ag?

I looked for my cell phone and looked at the time, at the time it was 18:35.

- Well baby, we spent the whole afternoon here. It's 18:35 PM.

- Shit! - She exclaimed - We need to talk and I still have to go see Ap.

- You're right, it will be good for Ap. What do you have to tell me?

Brooke sat up, her beautiful cheerful breasts caught my eye and I realized that she was so beautiful, even after waking up. I couldn't lose it.

- You have to understand that I don't do this anymore, in any way.

- Okay, but what is it?

- I prefer to say it at once. - Long pause. - I used to date seriously with Amber, at the time my life sucked and then Amber decided that we would use xanax to try to alleviate all of that.

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