Twelve - Sisters

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I looked at the mirror just to see what I already knew: My short blond hair was a mess and the circles under my eyes were dark. A little bit of concealer alleviated the situation, but I feared that none of my disguise would last for long.
I took my books and locked the door to my red cabinet number 22, which coincidentally was the same number as the blonde's basketball uniform that I was openly in love with.

I recently gave up fighting my conscience and admitted that I was in love with Ag. The first to know was Bruna, who reacted in the best possible way, she was a great best friend and the fact that we were a little distant did not change our relationship at all . The second to know was Avery, who gave me a lot of super excited advice and the third and last to know was Maihua. She didn't react as well as I expected, but we remained friends, a week later she took on a relationship with Nika. They looked happy and if she was happy, I was happy too. Maihua deserved someone to make her feel good.

The worst news of the last month was that April and I were closer than ever and I could feel the toxicity in the air whenever I was in his presence, it was suffocating me slightly.
Like the feeling that something was sitting on my chest. April and opioids were the most destructive combination I could make, every day that I was not sane was just like Russian roulette.

My mother traveled so much that I hadn't spoken to her for seven days, she seemed to be running away from something and when I questioned my father he said it was time for me to find out about some things. I already wondered what he meant and I assumed he was talking about Mom's constant betrayals, so I spent most of my time away from home and when I was in the same environment as him, I avoided the subject as much as possible.

I had no idea if my parents knew of April's long stay in the city, besides, after a conversation with her I knew that the girl was in no hurry to leave. If she was thinking about living here I would have to find some way to get rid of her.

At this point in time, you must be imagining that I plan a murder, correct?
Wrong. I'm a depressed teenager hiding behind xanax and I have no idea how to kill someone, I just need to get away from April as soon as possible, before my addiction gets out of hand again.
Speaking of addiction, right now I can see Ag and Skylar seemingly happy leaving the locker room, Bruna flirting with some blonde at the door to the chemistry room and Avery alone inside the library.
I opened the library door with no choice, Avery was the best option.

- But Brooke, look at you. You're a mess!

Avery made a fuss as soon as he saw me, I opened my eyes wide for silence. I could feel everyone looking at us, but Avy was not the type to care.

- Avery! I'm not that bad, am I ...?

The brunette shrugged and dropped the book on the table where she was sitting, I took a chair sitting next to her.

- If it is to make you feel better, I heard that Ag and the walking plutonium isotope are not doing well.

- It didn't make me feel better if you want to know.

Avery rolled her eyes at me in a fun way, I loved the way she referred to Skylar.

- You are nothing good and altruistic, no need to pretend.

We laughed together, but we were interrupted by Maihua abruptly entering the library door, his expression was not the best.

- Avery, can I speak to Brooke? Like, it'll only take about 15 seconds.

Avery looked at me and I swore her eyes would go out of their sockets, we never saw Maihua agitated like that and I was starting to get worried.

- Okay, I'm going to have a ... water?
Avery left the table, but still looked at me through the transparent window and raised her eyebrow discreetly asking if I was feeling well. I nodded at her and turned to Maihua hoping she would say what she wanted right away.

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