"𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲?"

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"𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺?"

~ 06 ~

you never understood suna rintaro. at times he would set off such a lazy sort of facade. almost as if he was telling those that he didn't really care about much, so it really confused you with how assertive his tone had sounded.

was he really going to protect you when in danger of any sorts? was he really going to put in the effort or was he just trying to make you feel better?

yet your thoughts had once again been broken apart by the sight that had caught your eyes.

"this is your house?" you spoke aloud as your e/c orbs widened.

considering how luxurious suna's car was truth be told you expected a more lavish sort of house. yet surprisingly it was just a normal two-story living space.

'if he didn't get the car from his parents then what did the boy do for a living to own such a car?' you couldn't help but ponder.

your attention had been so caught up in the sight in front of you that you didn't notice suna opening your door waiting for you to exit.

grabbing your bag you quickly got out of the car watching as he shut the door before following him inside.

your eyes had been greeted by a very comforting atmosphere as it was designed as any other japanese styled house.

"hi rintaro!" you could faintly hear a voice shout in the distance your attention averting to the figure that approached you two. "oh you must y/n!"

she knows my name already?

"yes i am it's nice to meet you mrs.suna!" you smiled warmly bowing politely.

"oh there's no need to be so formal you can just call me sakura."

just the kindness of the women's tone had put you to ease as you straightened yourself nodding in response.

"you're just as pretty as i imagined!" she beamed. "when r—"

"okay mom we can't waste any time so we're going to study in my room," suna was quick to interrupt his mother as he grabbed your hand  pulling you towards the staircase.

his warm hand in yours had sent shivers down your spine as he never let go the entire way, his hand held firmly in yours. almost as if he was afraid to let go.

as he opened the door you were met with a simple room. there was not much except for a few photos, a desk, a bed and volleyball stuff.

your eyes wandered around the room before a light squeeze in your hand had caused you to dart your attention in suna's way.

"o-oh sorry," you pulled your hand back noticing that it was still intertwined with his a small blush painting on your cheeks.

"it's alright," he lowly chuckled setting his bags down. "i'm just going to go grab another chair. so you can just place your stuff on the ground."

you only nodded in response watching as suna slowly exited the room giving you time to regain yourself.

you didn't know why you were so tense, but truth be told it was just the way this boy did such little gestures and said things to you that made your heartbeat 10 times faster.

you had never felt like with a boy before other with your ex. yet with suna it felt different. it honestly made you excited yet nervous at the same time.

letting out a short breath you set your work bag side bringing your school bag towards the desk. pulling the free chair out you sit down making sure your skirt isn't riding up before pulling out your textbooks and such.

but much to your dismay you had noticed that your pencil had run out of led, having none left in your pencil case.

"shit" you muttered letting out a defeated sigh looking around suna's desk to see if he had anything around.

that is till you glanced down at the drawer in front of you, your hand hesitating at the handle. you weren't sure if it seemed like an invasion of privacy of any sorts yet you didn't think much of it as you pulled it open.

the drawer had been filled with stacks of paper and such your eyes quick to spot a pack of led. moving a few papers away to take it out.

putting the led in you set it back where it had been before about to close it yet had spotted something at the corner of your eye.

you couldn't help but allow your curiosity to take over as you shifted the paper slightly your eyes widening at the sight in front of you.

there layed a bunch of cash, and when you meant a bunch, there had been nearly 1 million yen. the cash was tied up with an elastic just plainly stuffed in the drawer, not in a wallet of any sort.

'where did he get all this money?' you pondered your hand slowly moving towards the bills inspecting it warily. for a high school student it made zero to no sense.

yet at the sound of footsteps had caused you to jerk your hand away quickly closing the drawer.

turning around you suna had walked into the room yet your eyes had gone wide at the sight of him. he had changed his clothes as well sporting a simple black tee with a pair of grey sweatpants.

his wet hair still dripped down his shirt from before as he ruffled through it with a towel. you couldn't help but stare at the boy as he looked extremely attractive doing something so simple.

"you alright?" his voice had broken you out of your trance your e/c eyes meeting his as he held a sly smirk. "your face is red."

just his comment had made you even more flustered as you let out a small cough to try and calm yourself. "uh yeah i'm fine."

"it's cute when you get all flustered," he let out a small chuckle only making you more flushed as you watched him toss his towel on the hanger before walking towards you with the chair.

you were extremely tempted to question him about the money you had yet at the same time you didn't want him to know that you had found it in the first place.

yet it almost felt like he had knew something was off as he placed the chair beside you sitting down nearly centimetres apart.

just what was he hiding and how much to suna did you have yet to discover?

i'm sorry for the delay! i honestly didn't know that ppl would actually read this fic so didn't rlly think for updating for some reason.

yes ik this chapter was pretty meh but i promise it'll get better.

anyways my plan is to update at least once a week so stay tuned :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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