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There were no classes today since all the professors were set to attend their quarterly meetings throughout the day so I sat in my quidditch jumper and leggings on one of the leather couches in the Slytherin common room, thumbing through a magazine. 

Theo had walked down the stairs and was making his way over to me by the time my eyes looked up from the glossy pages.

"Smith," He said with a smile.

"Nott," I nodded my head at him, returning to my magazine. 

It was an unusually nice day out for this time of year. The season had fully shifted to Autumn, and with classes being canceled for the day the common room was practically empty as students took advantage of the clear sky and crisp fall air that beckoned everyone outside.

"Let's spend the day together," Theo said, leaning forward in his seat across from me.

"Why?" The word drawled out of me as I slowly closed the magazine. 

His warm laugh filled the common room, matching the radiance that the small fire from the fireplace gave off, "Because it hasn't been just us in ages."

"What are Blaise and Malfoy doing?"

"They're playing pickup games of quidditch with some other blokes, taking full advantage of this windless day I suppose."

I eyed him with suspicion for a moment before a small smile crept onto my face, "Alright, fine. What did you have in mind?"

"I thought we could throw it back to old times. Picnic in the forbidden forest, gossiping, exploration of the grounds," A mischievous smirk played on his pink lips, "with the possible addition of muggle weed."

It was my turn to laugh now, "Ah so the real reason prevails. You wanted to take full advantage of our three day weekend by starting it off high."

"Always could see right through me, couldn't you, Smith?" His eyes glimmered in the light of the fire. 

"Alright, let me grab the supplies and some sneakers while you grab the picnic necessities and we will meet back here in 20 minutes."


Theo pulled up his sagging jeans and adjusted his sweater as he sat down on the blanket he had laid out on the grassy clearing. 

I followed suit, crossing my legs as I emptied out my bag. A book fell onto the cashmere blanket along with the blunt supplies. 

A stream nearby softly babbled as I tucked a piece of fallen hair from my ponytail behind my ear. Theo picked up my book as I assembled the blunt for us.

We sat in silence for a while as we passed the blunt back and forth. He had begun reading my book as I unpacked the contents of the picnic basket.

Some sandwiches, crisps, sodas, and fruit adorned the blanket as I yanked the book from his hands.

"Hey-" Theo began to protest.

"You wanted to spend the day with me, so spend it with me, not my book," I said as I took a bite of a sandwich.

"Tsk tsk, so demanding," He mimicked my actions.

Silence again, this time I was unsure for how long. Most of the food had been eaten and the blunt was gone.

"Eleanor?" Theo questioned. 

I hadn't realized I had been staring up at the trees until I turned my head to face him. My head felt heavy, almost as if I was underwater, and I knew the drugs had taken effect. 

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