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I woke up in my bed feeling cold despite my sheets covering my body. I peeked my eyes open in order to scan the room only to find it empty.

I sat up, stretching groggily as I thanked Merlin that Pansy wasn't here. I didn't want to face anyone.

I checked the time to find it was 11:52 a.m.

A scowl formed on my face as I realized how late it was in the day and that no one had woken me up.

Despite wanting to be alone, and being thankful for it, a small part of me thought that someone would've remembered what today was and woken me up with loving well-wishes.

No one did though, and that made my heartache.

I pushed myself off my bed, shaking my head in an attempt to shake away the pain knocking in my chest.

It was Sunday so I opened my trunk in an attempt to find some casual clothing to wear. I ended up grabbing a white tennis skirt and an emerald green oversized sweatshirt.

I quickly changed and pulled half of my hair back with a matching emerald green ribbon before exiting my room with a book in tow.

Lunch was now being served in the Great Hall so I decided to make my way down after failing to see anyone I knew in the common room.

I walked into the nearly empty hall, seeing my own house table practically deserted as I took a seat towards the front by the elevated Professor's table.

I plated a sandwich and some salad as I opened my book and began to read.

However, the words of Shakespear were rudely interrupted by a hand slamming down on the table. I jolted in my seat, looking up to meet the eyes of Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Hagrid.

"Hello Professors," I gulped, my eyes darting around the room as a few students began to stare.

"Hello, dear, Happy Birthday!" Professor McGonagall said with a sweet smile on her lips.

I tensed, my mouth pursing into a tight-lipped smile.

"How does it feel to be another year older?" Hagrid bellowed out, laughing.

"Uh, great, but please keep your voice down. I'd prefer for my housemates not to know," I scanned the room again, making sure none of my friends were there.

"They don't know?" Dumbledore inquired, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, "No. I told them first year but they... forgot shortly after. I prefer to keep it that way if you don't mind."

The Professors' faces fell, McGonagall's mouth twisting to the side to hide a frown. Hagrid on the other hand did no such effort to conceal his emotions.

"Ah. I see," Dumbledore continued, "Well, we just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, Eleanor." He slid a small slender envelope across the table with a pitiful smile.

"Thank you all. I appreciate it," I said, a sad smile gracing my own lips as they walked away.

I picked the envelope up as the seats around me filled up.

"What the fuck was that about?" Blaise asked, picking up a sandwich from the large platter in the middle of the table.

"Did you get in trouble, El? Why were you surrounding by Professors?" Pansy inquired as she filled up her cup with lemonade.

"Can't save yourself from trouble without us, huh?" Theo asked with a smug look on his face as he elbowed me.

I glanced around at the three as Malfoy took a seat next to me, keeping my head down as I gripped the pity gift in my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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