From one legend to another.

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Author P.O.V

Here is the context.

This will go from season to season.

Mirage is my main and my Xbox tag is SaltyTGM.

There are multiple MiragexPerson in this book. No Yaoi though.

Also [] means thoughts.

Here goes.

Mirage/Narrator P.O.V

Paradise bar. Two years before the games.

[Ahh how I love my beautiful little bar of mine. It sure is lacking patrons though.]

Elliott was content with the little income he got from this job as long as it payed his mom's medical he was aight with it. 

Elliott had poor himself a Jack Daniels and sat behind the bar with the new and improved technology hologram technology he likes to call bamboozle. He learned everything he could from his mom while, his brothers played hero.

Mirage took a swig of the whiskey and feels guilty for his brothers.

"If only I was stronger.", Mirage tells his bamboozle who he named Tom.

"There was nothing you could have done. You tried your best but you were too late.", Tom replied with a frown on his face while wrapping his arm along his counter part.

Then the bar door suddenly swung open and out came a small woman with a wild raven hair. She then sat at the barstool. She had glowing blue eyes and she was shadowed with mystery.

"Welcome to the paradise of outlands the Paradise bar! What can I get you today?", Mirage remarked with his slogan and tried to break the silence of the small woman.

The woman showing no emotion at all simply shrugged and asked, "Give me something strong."

Elliott was simply trying to get a read on this girl. Mirage might be stupid but, he was born with the gift to know how to please any women by simply evaluating their character.

"I am going to start you off with something lighter then we will go from there.", Mirage stated while mixing a appletini.

"Here you go missy. Do you have a name?", Elliott question the lady while passing her the drink. 

She flinched at the question but, quickly responded with, "Wraith. Just Wraith."

"That is lovely name where do you come from? Because, there is more stars in your eyes than the whole galaxy.", Elliott threw out a quick flirt to see if he could elicit a response from the poor lady.

"No idea... also not interested.", Wraith said with her stoic expression.

Mirage was about to say something until the doors slammed open and five large gentleman came through door.

"Welcome to the par...", Mirage started to say before he was interrupted by the biggest one of the men.

He noticed one of them had a R-99 and a Mastiff which were illegal in these parts. Mirage soon turned his wingman from safe to fire.

Wraith P.O.V

{Is the void talking}

[Ugh who are these oaths.]

"Hey hot stuff what is your name.", asked a heftier man named Craig asked with a sneer.

[Unlike the bartender this idiot has a perverted smile  written across his face compared to the bartender's playful smile.]

"Hey little lady my friends talking to you.", a slightly less beefy one named Markus stated.

Wraith continued to ignore them.

One of them went to grab wraiths shoulder only to be by grabbed the bartender.

"Listen buddy no one touches her without her permission.", the bartender commanded with a slight stutter.

"You know what fuck you guy!", yelled the largest man named Nelson.

{Danger! Nelson is aiming the mastiff at the bartender.}

[Oh no.]

Mirage P.O.V

[The things that are about to happen in this room is going to be a great story.]

The next thing Elliott was one of the men was aiming a mastiff at him. Wraith then entered the void and shove her kunai in Nelson's throat.

"What the hell?", yelped the man with R- 99 as he shot at the bar area.

Mirage ducked and got his wingman ready and shot the man in the knees and the man fell unconscious from the pain.

Wraith soon went back into the void and grabbed the mastiff. She shot the man to her right.

Mirage hopped over the counter and shot the man named Craig in the lower abdomen.

The last man however managed to grab Wraith and put her into a choke hold.

Mirage had activated what he likes to call "smooth criminal" and completely disappeared.

"Show yourself or I kill the girl.", the last member of the gang said.

Mirage then sent Tom at him and he shot Tom with prowler.

Mirage turns off his invisibility and whispers into the mans ears, "Bamboozled."

He then shot the man through the head.

Wraith fell over after she was released from the mans grip.

Mirage offered a hand to her and said, "The names is Elliott. Elliott Witt."

She took it and stated, "Nice to meet you Witt."

This moment was soon ruined by a certain MRVN.

Author P.O.V

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would love to hear feed back.

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