Who is this bitch mate?

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"Once again who the hell is miss emo?", Ramphart demanded.

"Oh this is wraith she is one of my partners in the apex games. Don't worry about it babe.", Elliott responded reassuringly with his classic smug smile.

"Oh alrighty then as long as she ain't some bimbo...", Ramphart said while, rubbing the back of her head.

"Oh by the way she is one of our new roommates by the way.", Pathfinder added with a laughing emoji on his screen.

"This fucking robot.", Elliott muttered.

"Listen Ramps it isn't what it seems like. OH SHI-.", Elliott started to explain himself before he was immediately shut up by a wrench to the gut.

"Elliott the that is for not saying that the first time. Now you wraith please tell me you ain't a bimbo. Cause I swear on shiela you will be six feet under.", Ramphart retorted while grabbing her wrench to begin working on her Gatling gun.

"Before I say anything I did not have any intercourse with this moron. He just gave me a place so I can get back on my feet.", Wraith commented while giving a slight look of concern to Mirage.

"I just did what my mom always said. *cough* "Elliott Witt if you ever see a lady in financial trouble you her. Be a gentleman and don't be like your father." So that is why babe. You still love me right?",   Elliott uttered with a grimace on his face.

"The fact that you don't understand the ramifications of bringing in a homeless woman into our home without a second proves to me that you are dumb. But, you are lucky that you are a handsome idiot or I would have killed ya.",
Ramphart joked while helping the young engineer to his feet.

"Oi! What the hell are y'all doing we are on a tight schedule so get this bloody reunion over with. I have been here for five bloody minutes listening to your bickering like a soap opera. I don't really care who is sleeping with who. Ramya how is project Valkyrie going?", Blisk stated matter-o-factly while rolling his eyes.

"Oh it's going swimmingly Kairi (Valkyrie) actually stopped by yesterday to help me finish up the designs for her wings.", Ramphart stated with a wide smile.

"Ah. Make sure you have it perfect for her. She was a daughter of an old associate of mine. I mean friend. One of the best damn pilots I ever knew.", Blisk commented with a slight sound of disdain in his voice.

"Alright legends lets get to the games. It will be about an hour ride by train so let's get a move on.", Blisk ushered waving his hand towards the door.

Wraith and Pathfinder made their way out. Mirage however had to make an apology.

"Listen Ramps I am truly sorry for not asking you sooner. But you should have seen the look on her face she looked lost. I have seen one quite similar when I had to bury my brothers.", Elliott said with a genuine look of despair.

"Thank you although you are going to have make it up to me. Maybe some fish and chips. And you as desert. At your house and not the bar.", Ramya slurred while biting her lip.

"Consider it a date. I gotta go. See ya later sweet cheeks.", Elliott kissed Ramya and ran after Blisk.

"What took you so long Witt?", Pathfinder questioned?

"Nothing consi- consin- cosdie- Nothing to do with you toaster.", Elliott stammered with a flustered look on his face.

Author: Damn it has been a few since I updated this huh. I decided to go with a spin on the formulaic Mirage X Wraith book thing. Where Wraith grows closer to Mirage and they end up together. So I thought why not have Ramphart date him. Also I will be writing a one shot/react to ships/smut book in a similar fashion to AOT reacts. If y'all wanna see what that will look like check out AOT.

Also shout out to these people lwho's Mirage x Wraith stories that are more intriguing than mine Bryanbythecreek . RobynHoodlum . ApexLegendsFan

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