Clubbing Pt.3

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Anzei POV

Could this day get any worse, first someone takes our shipments and then someone shoots up one of our departments? No one and I mean no one does these things and survives. I will find who ever did this and I will personally take out their eyeballs and teeth and send them to their family. Ughh, why am I this crazy and even crazier in my head. Guess that's the beauty of being bipolar.

"Hey Cookie Monster, guess whattt." my sister walked in singing. Ughh how much I hate the nickname my sister gave me. She nicknamed me Cookie Monster after my grey eyes that look like blue eyes but you can barely see the grey in them. "What do you want Blair." I said sounding angry like always, eww why do I sound angry when I'm not even angry, I know 'Generics.'

"Your going to go to the mall and buying me a dress for tonight because I'm going clubbing tonight." She said sounding like she was on top of the world. "I don't know who you think your talkin-" before I could finish she cut me off.  "Or else I'm going to show the footage to our mom of you dropping and breaking her favorite vase." She said smirking. Ohh shittt, she got me there. I could never be caught dropping her vase, and of course it got caught on camera by the cameras I placed there.

"This blackmailing won't work for long." I said. "I don't think so." She said and with that she was out the door.  Wow this day just got worse, I didn't think that was possible but it just did. Good thing my best friend and right hand man has a girlfriend that tells him everything about fashion and shit like that. Finally some good news today.

"Luca come on we are going to the mall." I said while walking by his office. "Ok boss let me just finish this contract." After Luca was finished with the contract we got in the car and starting driving to the mall. "Why don't you date?" Luca asked me. "Why would I date when I can have any girl I want?"

Some of what I said was true but I couldn't help to think how it would be to date someone. "I don't know about being able to have any girl you can have." He said looking at me questioning. I gave him a death stare before saying "Are you really daring me, please I'm the most handsome, sexy, dashing man in the world, anyone would want to sleep with this."

"I dare you to sleep with the Audenzia Pierce. God knows you could never, I hear that she has never slept with anyone." He said sounding proudly. "If you don't do it I will because who wouldn't want all this." He said pointing to his abs, after he said that it got me mad and angry for no reason. "Fine I will do it, but you won't touch her." I said angrily.

When we got into the mall in the corner of my eye I saw this boutique with a very familiar person, when I got in the store there was barely any people in there until someone caught my eye and we made eye contact. After like 5 seconds she turned around and starting walking behind I'm guessing her friends. Luca and I walked to the corner where all the colorful dresses were, I just followed Luca because he has some type of taste, I got better taste but not in dresses.

I saw her walking out without her friends so I took this chance to corner her and see how intimated she is by me. I cornered her and starting talking to her with my most intimidating facial expression, she didn't really seem intimidated by me so I got as close as I could to her so now our lips were only inches apart. Then she did something I never thought anyone would do to me, she flipped me over so now she was cornering me against the wall. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but this is hot, if anybody else did this to me they would be dead but when she did it, it felt right.

We made contact a few more seconds until her friends said her name and we both turned around to see them just standing there, why did they have to kill this moment. Before she let me go she said something low so that only I could hear her "Don't ever mess with me again, boss." With that she let me go and walked away, she has this powerful walk that I could watch for eternity. "Oh my god Anzei, what the hell just happened." Luca said walking over to me. "Magic just happened, see she wants me." I said sounding confident in myself. "Umm I'm sure that's what that is." He said nodding no to me. "Just wait a week or two and she will fall for me so hard." I said walking to the cashier.


I know I said I was only going to do one part of the store scene but I wanted to do a chapter of Anzei's POV so you could see how he is,  hope you all enjoy this chapter, I love you all sooo much 🥰🥰💕💕💗

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