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Anzei POV

We started kissing, it was the most passionate kiss I've ever received and gave. It was like time stop once our lips met, I was traveling my hands and fingers around her neck, waist, and legs. She was as soft as a baby, her scent was intoxicating, addictive, and hypnotizing. Her hair was silky smooth for someone who had just woken up.

Everything about her was perfect, she was gorgeous and flawless. I don't love her because of her body, I love her because of her personality and how badass she is. Her body is just a plus for something I thought I never needed.

I heard a text from my phone but I didn't bother to pick it up and read it, it just wasn't worth looking at. We were just like this, kissing until the door slammed open.

Hearing a big bang she broke the kiss and we both looked at the door. It was fucking dumbass Luca. I looked at my phone real quick to see it was Luca who had texted me. "Oh shit I'm sorry." He said apologetic. "Luca get the fuck out!" I yelled at him before the slamming the door in his fucking face. "I guess let's go train." She said getting off the counter and opening the bathroom door.

I put the first aid kit back into its place. Luca told Audenzia sorry while she was walking out, when I walked past him he said "Sorry boss, I didn't know you had company." "Well, next time learn how to fucking knock, dumbass." We all walked downstairs and got in the car driving to the training center.

Usually I don't like training recruits because it is a lot of work but this time Audenzia is with me and I feel like we can accomplish this together.

We finally got to the center and everyone was standing in a line waiting for my little speech. "Today is the first day of training, today will determine if you will stay, tomorrow we will name the people who will be staying. The names we don't call, well bye bye is all I got to say. I have a... partner that will help me today. She is one of the five families, you will treat her with respect, nothing less nothing more. Do you all understand me?" I said with much authority. "Yes boss." They said in sync.

I started off training them defense. They weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Next it was Audenzia with what she was perfect at, guns. Whenever she shoots a gun it has its own signature. She shoots a gun like I've never seen someone do. She shoots with ease and calmness, there was something similar with how she shoots a gun and how the assassin Flame does it. They both go for the head, but I guess that's something every assassin does.

She started off by showing them how to hold a gun. "Holding a gun is not that hard, it's all about how you shoot that's the hardest. In time you will learn how shoot effortlessly. Maybe in time you will also learn how to shoot a target in the dark or with a blindfold on." "Anzei will you blindfold me." She said handing me a blindfold. "Oh, yes sure." I said, cutting me off guard. She started shooting all the targets in the head while blindfolded. She took off the blindfold, continuing her teaching.

"I started training when I was about 7 or 8, super young but I had to do whatever to protect myself in the future. I didn't find out about the mafia until in my teens. You guys will not train as crucial but it will be hard. This is your time to step out while you can." Audenzia said looking at all of them.

None of them backed out which surprised me. After she was done training them she stood next to me and saying, "I think this might be your best group." It was now Luca's turn to train them how to be a hacker. Which to me was the toughest for me.

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