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Audenzia POV

I couldn't believe he brought me here, my wonderland and where my parents would take me before, they died. "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter," I would go here mostly every other weekend with my parents when they weren't on their work trips. Even though we were super close we were also very distant. I would have to stay with a nanny when they left and they would call me everyday until they stopped for some reason.

When we got into the parking lot and I realized there was only a dozen cars. He got out of his driver side of the door and before I could open my side he had already opened it. When he gently grabbed my hand to help me get out of the car he whispered in my ear, "You don't ever need to open the door for yourself when you're with me." Since his voice was deep with a Italian accent, it felt like his voice was touching all over my body. Which only happens when I'm around him and him only.

We finally made it inside, I looked around to see nobody was there except the workers and some security guards. "Where is everyone?" I asked him. "I told them to close the place down or I would kill them." He said with a emotionless expression. I started chuckling and looked up at him to see if he was lying, "Stop messing with me Anzei, you're lying." I said looking up at him.

When I saw his face and he wasn't laughing I knew he wasn't lying. "I don't lie, plus I couldn't let other people see how you dressed today." He said looking down at me. "I might as well go out in underwear and a bra if it bothers you so much, and I love making your life a living hell so I will think about it." I said flashing him a smile.

"So why are you soo obsessed with Harry Potter anyways?" He asked me. "Because, it's a fantasy world that I would always escape to when I wanted to get away from reality." I answered him. "Andddd you remind me of "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." I told him. He looked down at me and said, "Is he hot?" "Oh, deeply." I lied.

I felt a slight touch on my hand, when I looked down he was touching my hand. Then slowly he fully intertwined our fingers together and now we were locking fingers. I didn't bother slipping my hand away.

We went into multiple stores and I ended up buying a lot of Harry Potter related items. I opened my phone and expected to see a bill from my bank telling me how much money I've spent so far, but it was empty, I still had the same amount of money I had before.

I felt a pair of eyes on my every move. I looked up to see him already looking at me. "What did you do?" I asked genuinely confused. "I'm paying for all of your items, I'm not letting you pay for this." He said back to me. I was shocked, he never did anything like this.

We just stood here looking into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds until he broke the silence and said, "Cmon, we gotta go before it gets late." He said grabbing my hand. We started walking to the car when I felt a shooting pain in my abdomen.

I squinted and bent down a little. "What's wrong?" Anzei asked me with a soothing voice. "A... cramp." I said back, barely being able to talk. I started breathing in heavily when I felt him pick me up and put me gently in the passenger seat.

He got in the car and opened one of his car containers that had a first aid kit, he handed me a pain killer and a water bottle, I swallowed the pill and tried to get comfortable in the seat. It was a very long way from home so I was ready for a car ride of hell.

My cramp slowly went away with Anzei gently trying to distract me from my cramp and make me not think about it. He would gently massage my hands and play with them. After a while I feel asleep.

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