Meeting the whole family

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I looked up to see a man staring at me. He was in the '70s and he had wrinkles on his forehead. Every single damn thing about him screamed power. He had this authority surrounding him. His brown eyes were still staring at me. I quickly hid behind the person closest to me hearing quite a lot of 'awws'. I looked up to see I hid behind Lorenzo who looked up with a blank face.

He is just like a glacier let me tell you.

"Lorenzo, move!" The man said with so much authority and power leaking in his voice. I bet anyone would disobey him.

"Yes, grandpa!" Lorenzo said in a blank tone void of any emotions but there was one that I could make out and that was respect. He bowed his head and moved away.

I stood there frozen like a statue. I could not help but put my head down in embarrassment. Footsteps were coming near me. I felt fingers on my chin.

"Keep your head up princess you should never bow your head to anyone." He said in a gentle tone and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He then smiled and then  I heard several gasps from the room.

"Did Grandpa just freaking smiled?" One of the guys asked he looked around Emiliano's age. he had brown hair and was styled in a normal shirt and denim jeans. Grandpa on hearing this rolled his eyes.

"I would like to talk to her alone as you kind people are disturbing our conversation." He said sarcasm dripping his voice. I giggled hearing him he turned around and smiled again. He gently took my hand and we went into the front garden and made me sit on the swing.

" Have my son and grandsons creating trouble? Do they need to face my wrath ?" He asked with eyebrows raised and looking and at me and anticipating an answer.

"No.....not yet." I replied while smirking and upon hearing this he also smirked and placed his arm around my shoulder. 

"Gramps, I am hungry!" I said while pouting and rubbing my stomach his eyes lit up hearing his name and then he chuckled. He took my hand we made our way to the living room where I heard talking.

"On ne peut pas lui dire!" Angelo exclaimed with frustration clear in his voice.

(We cannot tell her!) 

"Pourquoi tu ne peux pas me le dire?" I asked when we reached the living room and all of them turned to look at me with shocked faces.

(Why cannot you tell me?)

"You speak french?" Luca asked kind of shocked but he was also proud that I understood French. I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

"Let's have dinner !" Dad said trying to change the subject but I was not having it. I am one stubborn bitch and I will get my answer.

I just stood there while everyone started moving. I will not move until they tell me. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and just stood there.

"Let's go?" Dad asked unsure about me not moving to the dining room. I just huffed and looked sideways.

"Baby, let's go eat something, and then we will tell you." One of the aunts replied while looking at me. I just stood up and went to the dining room without any words.

Dinner was spaghetti and I ate half of the spaghetti and then I was full. So, I started playing with my spaghetti.

"Stop playing with your food." Lorenzo said in a stern voice while looking at me from his chair. I changed my face to one of his blank faces.

"I am full." I replied while pushing my plate forward.

"You sure ?" Louis asked me while taking my plate and taking it with him and I just nodded in response.

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