Chapter 7: His True Feelings

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---------- [ Shinso's POV ]

I fixed my bag getting ready to leave as my shift for the day is finally over. "Time to go home and finally see my cats." I said as I headed out the locker room.

But before I could leave through the door, my head then went into worry as I remembered I still had a second job to attend tonight. I groaned, leaving the restaurant very late in the evening. Life has been pretty hard ever since uncle died. Mom and dad left me when I was just a child, so I pretty much live on my own now.

Society is just really unfair nowadays. They let those rich and corrupted people get the spotlight yet those who are actually sensible but poor don't. "I really don't get it.." I muttered.

I used to be a great student back then in accounting, and always wanted to be one. But I was never financially stable ever since my uncle's death, and I almost lived homeless.

Debts and bills were EVERYWHERE and it made me insane.Until that one lucky night I met Y/n again. She used to be my classmate since 2nd year high school, but we weren't really close back then.

We met in one of her local boutiques in town and kept in touch ever since. She was my first and only friend I depended on through one of my hardest moments in life. She's truly one interesting and independent woman.

And by interesting.. I mean by I like her. It's been going on for quite a while now and I always tried to rub it off.

But I just can't help it.

Kicking down another pebble by the sidewalk I decided to continue my way back home. "Yo bro!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me as I looked back to see who it was.

"Oh Kiyuri. What's up man? Thought your house was that way??" I said, pointing to the opposite direction.

He only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I came for you silly. Now, don't freak out too much about what I'm going to say next.."

I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for a response.


He said with so much excitement that it nearly blown me away. But nevertheless, the news was amazing. I had always wanted to go to I-island. That place is known to be a paradise.

"Wow.. I have no idea what to say. Although, as much as I love the idea going there.. why? We're just regular staff..."

I said with slight sadness in my eyes. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not any big CEO like L/n. I'm just an ordinary dude who can't even keep up with his house bills. "Weeelll.. Boss.. um, he wanted to do something for us! Yeah. You know Shinso, you work so hard your eyebags are getting darker than your soul. Get a life man!"

Shrugging at his somewhat insult at me, I took his hands off my shoulders. "Gee, thanks dude. And you know what.. fine. I-island has always been my dream, so why not?" I said while pulling the straps of my backpack.

Kiyuri exclaimed in happiness as he jumped around. But before he could say anything else, I stopped him from speaking up. "There's one condition though.. I can't stay for more than three days. You know how much jobs I have to keep up with." I looked at him with a worried face.

"What?! My dude- You're literally gonna miss out! Plus, L/n and Todoroki, two of the best designers in the world, is going to be there!"

I looked back at him with wide eyes quite surprised from the information. "What?.. How'd you know that??"

He only scratched his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Um well.. When I said vacation I meant by also serving one of the restaurants there. So boss kinda told me beforehand our special guests to serve.. "

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