152 6 0

Ship: 2Seok
Warning ⚠️: 🤨
Genre: Clique shit

Just stay with me.

When you fall,

When you cry,

When you break,

When you smile,

Stay with me.

I don't like saying metaphorical shit,

But believe me when I say

"You're my whole world Hoseokie".

I don't like clique either,

But believe me again when I say,

"You're prettier than the stars."

And you really are.

At times you don't shine.

At times you're not happy.

At times you're extremely gloomy.

But even the sun doesn't look bright all the time.

You're my sun.

My sun who keeps me warm.

My sun who sacrifices itself everyday to let me shine.

Like you said,

I'm your moon.

Maybe we're completely different,

When you are an extrovert

And I'm an introvert

But that doesn't matter.

Because in the end we're the best for each other.

I have so much hidden in me.

That I'm afraid to show you.

Afraid you'll push me away.

Afraid you'll neglect me.

But whenever I look into your eyes as you say

"I love you"

It feels like home.

The home i never had.

You make me feel like home.

You make me feel like you would love me even if I show you the darkness in me.

Because eyes don't lie.

And maybe you don't have the sweetest past too,

Maybe you're broken too in a way that can't be mended.

But we'll pick up our shattered pieces,

And put them together,

Replacing yours with mine and the other way around.

We have our ups and downs,

We have our arguements,

But in the end we're back together in each other's arms.

In the end we are inseparable.

Have patience my love,

As I tell you my story.

The road will be bumpy and rough

But we'll eventually reach there.

As we tell our stories,

Let's fall in love again

Like we did the first time.

As I looked into your chestnut orbs,

As you stared back at my honey brown ones.

My Hoseok,

Please don't leave me,

Until its really time to part and say goodbye.

Let me love you.

Let me hold you close.

Let me help you like you did.

Tell me you will,

Because it'll be you who I'll cherish,

Until I perish.

A day will come where I'll have to part, but hold on love, its not soon~

HOSEOK X BTS OT6Where stories live. Discover now