Chapter Twenty

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Reese's P.O.V

          "My mom and the White Queen are here to see you." I groan. This is the last thing I need, especially after the god's fiasco. "You want me to come with you?"

          "No I'm a princess now and I need to handle this myself."

          "Last time you tried doing that, you ran back to the Isle and almost died." He points out.

          "I know, but now I'm fine." I take a deep breath and head to F.G's office. "You wanted to see me?"

          "Yes. We've been told about the, uh, incident."

          "You mean me and Mally going back to the Isle? Or the on where I wanted to fry the gods? Lots happened in the last week." I clarify seeing their confused looks.

          "The first one. We realized that it isn't fair to you to have you thrown in to the royal life." Alice starts

          "So if you'd like you can come live at the palace."

          "Can I have time to think about this?"

          "Of course."

          "Now what's this about frying the gods?"

          "Nothing important. Mally and them already put the fear her in to them. I am so late. Thank you so much but, I have to go." 

          "Woah slow down." Carlos jokes as I run past him. Once again I might need to back up. After the Cotilion Ben decided to make me and Evie his royal advisers. "Sorry, I'm late."

          "Took you long enough." QUeen Leah snaps. "And would it kill you to dress properly.

          "It might." Most of them chuckle. Well, the older fashioned members scowl.

          "Ben why did you make a thirteen-year-old-girl your royal adviser?" The duke of weaseleton asks.

          "Beause this thirteen-year-old girl can kick anybody except Mulans but. This girl pushed through the pain of getting wet to save him and Auradon. What have you done to save Auradon?"

          "Alright, alright. Let's get down to business."

          "But the huns are already de-" Evie covers my mouth.

          "Continue." I lick her hand and she moves it.

          "We're here to discuss bringing over more V.K's." Multiple voices speak up in protest.

          "SHUT IT!" I shout. "I understand your fear and protest, but not every V.K deserves to be on the Isle." 

          "Name three of each."

          "Maddy Hightop, Kitty CHeshire, Dizzy Tremaine, Celia Faciliar, Squeaky and Squirmy Smee, Hm let's see. Cj Hook, Hailey Hans's daughter, Shaka, and Hala, Scar's twin daughters, Shadow Shan Yu's daughter. Shall I go on."

          "You don't."

          "Then it's a good thing I don't down."

          "UNless it involves getting wet." Leah mutters.

          "THAT IS ENOUGH!" I look at Evie surprised. "SHe almost died because fell off the pier back on the Isle and that was after we pulled her out."

          "E, it's fine. I say we vote Quen Leah off."

          "I agree." Ben states. "All in favor?" Almost everyone raises there hands. "Queen Leah you are hereby no longer a member of this council. Please leave."

          "By that he means get the underworld out of here."

          "We're going to bringing six over this time. Mal showed me how much those girls mean to you." I hug him.

          "THank you."

          "That's insane!" The emperor's old adviser shouts. 

          "You wanna go?" I growl. I take a deep breath before speaking again. "These kids deserve a chance. They're on the Isle for being born. How is that fair to them. Some of you have family locked up on the Isle. We just want to give them a chance, show them that we care."

          "I couldn't have said it better myself. All in favor?" Only one hand doesn't go up. 

          "Then its decided. We'll start bring over more kids." 

          "There you are!" Jay exclaims. "F.G's been looking for you."

          "Have E, catch you up." I rush back to F.Gs office and open the door. "You wanted to see me?"

          "As you know your friends are getting ready to graduate." I nod sadly. "It's come to my attention that you have more than enough to graduate with them."

          "I do?"

          "You do. COngragulations." When I get back to our dorm I throw my arms around the girl's.

          "I'm graduating with you guys."

          "I am so happy for you."

          "Now I just need to get the money for my salon."

          "Here." Evie hands me some. "To start out. No protesting."

           "E, it's your money. ANd you earned it."

           "You didn't? You've practically started a salon here."

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