Tobys pov.

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I couldn't help but get exited when I saw Masky in the kitchen.Wonder why he would be up this late though, you'd think as slenderman's best proxy he'd want to get a solid amount of sleep.

"W what are you d doing m Masky?"

I fought back laughter as his plate hit the sink and he jumped back.

"Well J Jesus don't wake the whole H house on my A account!!!" I raised my hands jokingly in self defence and made my way to the fridge remembering what I had originally come down there for.


Only problem is my constant twitching was making it extremely difficult to open.

I looked up from the bottle when my masked friend asked what I was doing up past curfew.
I suppose I'm wrong to call him a friend I mean all I do is annoy him and all he does is follow the rules and talk about how much easier things would be with out me.

"I C could A ask you the S same thing" I muttered finally getting the cap off the damn bottle. After taking a long sip I decided to tell him ...not that he would really care.

"I ...I had a N nightmare."

I had woken up in some sort of cold sweat not that it really surprised me.

"Lyra" I had sat there whispering for what seemed like forever before I made my way downstairs in the hopes to rid myself of the after affects of that damn dream.

I don't understand it's just far to complicated and I'm not even quite sure just who she is. Maybe she was part of my life before I came to the slender mansion or perhaps she made up, I am crazy after all.

Whoever she is I know she was important.

"Oh" he answered and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, of course you wouldn't understand

"What about Y you?" I asked wondering if slendy had something to do with it.

"I never really sleep, I'm somewhat of an insomniac!" He answered pushing the end of his mask up to take another mouthful of cheesecake.

"Oh" so he had issues sleeping, Good to know I'm not the only one

I nodded "you know eating T that probably W won't help you with that R right!"

He smiled and I grinned. It was rare to see any bit of Masky's face and even stranger to see him smile.

But the weirdest of all is that I Toby Rogers was the cause of it.

He had said something but my brain was to focused on him smiling.

Woah he has nice teeth I laughed to myself as that was what I had noticed first.

His smile though ...I wanted to see it again but not just his mouth , No I wanted to see if his eyes lit up like that too or if his nose crinkled like bens. Quickly I tried to memorize it before it was gone never to be seen again by me or most likely anyone aside from hoody.

My own smile fell quickly however when I remembered that he hated me ...he has to...he always has.

"Well I uh I'm gonna try to g go to sleep...good night m masky" I felt stupid as I left until I heard a quiet voice say "good night Toby" barely above a whisper

I grinned silently to myself and made my way up stairs.

'Maybe he doesn't hate me?'

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