A new nightmare for Toby continued...

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That day masky struggled to pay attention to the goings on of the slender mansion

He barely listened to those talking to him and only did what was requested of him by slender.

He didn't really speak with anyone aside from hoody who would constantly ask him if he was alright.

"I'm just tried don't worry okay?" Was his response each and every time the question was asked and though hoody didn't really believe him he let it slide. Masky was never one to really open up about things anyway.

That night masky once again found himself wide awake at an ungodly hour and decided once more to make his way down to the kitchen. With thoughts of left over cheese cake filling his mind he walked silently along the dark desolate halls of the mansion instantly regretting not wearing a sweater as the cool breeze flew right through his thin cotton shirt.

Once he made it to his destination he found a familiar twitching killer sitting on the counter waiting for him.

"Hey M Masky ...C Couldn't sleep A again?" Toby grinned holding out a plate of cheese cake.

Masky looked back at him eyebrows raised "did you have another nightmare?"

"Maybe..." Toby replied still holding the plate out. His mood began to shift a little as Masky wouldn't take it.

"Whats with the cake?" Tim asked keeping his voice steady, fear of his feelings for Toby leaking through each syllable.

"I figured you would be U up too ...A and even though I I doubt it will h help you sleep...I just T thought that it w-w-would be N nice soOoOo..."Toby grinned again, placing the plate in front of Masky on the counter.

"So what?" The words were stated a little harsher then intended and truthfully Masky did feel a little bad when Toby's grin faded away and was replaced with a look of concern. He liked that grin.

"Are Y you having a bad day or s something dude?" Toby asked while cracking his neck. His trademark smile slipping its way back onto his face as he picked up the plate again and moved it closer in Masky's direction.

"No I'm just tried..." Masky blinked twice eyeing up the cake in Toby's fidgety hands.


"Same dream?" Masky asked finally giving in to temptation and reaching for the piece of cake.

Toby stayed silent for a minute "Nope this one was different" He shrugged cracking his neck.

The kitchen was silent for a moment or two but it wasn't exactly the awkward type.

"What was it about?" Masky asked setting down his plate on the counter.

"What was W what about?" Toby responded with a twitch.

"Your nightmare, what was it about?" Tim cringed inwardly at the sound of his question but his curiosity ,like always ,had got the better of him and so he had decided he needed to know.

Toby however was standing there emotionless staring ever so intently at the floor.

What was he supposed to say and just how was he to say it. Everything was just too confusing.

He let out a hallow laugh that even Tim would say was mildly disturbing. He shook his head and twitched.

"it doesn't M M Matter" Toby finally answered cracking his neck

"Why... Is there something goi-" "I said it D doesn't matter O okay!!" Toby interrupted with a harsh voice. His face seemed slightly redder then before.

The two stood there quietly as Toby calmed down. He seemed to be having a starring contest with the ceiling and appeared to be winning.

Tim sighed "are you okay now?"

"Yea I'm F Fine."

Masky played with his fork before taking another bite " this is pretty good" he smirked  "thanks" he walked over to the sink and washed of his plate while Toby watched.

"Y you it...it was about Y you"

"Your dream?"


"Did I hurt ..." He trailed off, what was Tim supposed to say to that anyway.

"No....no never mind..."

"Toby you know you can tell me right!"

"No not t this time" Toby's voice came out like a whisper, soft and hesitant but Tim still picked it up.

"Tell me...what's the worst that could happen"

Toby smiled and Masky could feel his heart jump at his rib cage. He grinned back, his mask being tilted upward so he could enjoy his cake allowed Toby visitation of his teeth.

"Lots could go W wo wrong"

"Toby I-"

"I lost her...L Lyra ..I w would rather not L lose you t to" Toby seemed so distant when he spoke of that girl, still unaware if she was even real or not, the name itself brought along pain.

"You couldn't lose me..not over some dream" Tim muttered thankfully for his mask which currently hide the childish blush adorning his face.

"Realization N not a D dream" Toby shook slightly before continuing "it wasn't about you...it it was about her...I I couldn't save-..I didn't save H her...I wanted you to...To ...N never mind."

"To what Toby?"

"M make them stop...make the the voices S stop blaming me"


"I wanted you to be there when I woke up"

Masky blinked "You what?"

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