Chapter 3: Onii-chan~

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(The Library)

Colette's pov

'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!' I yelled angrily in my head. Colette Eloveve Bellevue, One of the three villains in Setsuko's lovely otome game. My parents and older sister looked down at me happily.

'Babies don't scowl, babies don't scowl, babies don't scowl, BABIES DON'T SCOWL!!!' I repeated the mantra over and over in my head as I smiled at them. My mother brought me close to her chest so I could get some milk. 'Oh God, how can I survive in this world???' I mindlessly drank the milk she was offering. 'Of all the people, why did it have to be this body?' I cried in despair.

'Hey kid.' A voice sounded in my head.

Well look who showed up! 'Uncle! So nice of you to join me.' I smiled at him, trying my best to stay calm.

'Yeah-wait! I told you not to call me that! ヾ(゚д゚)ノ' Uncle yelled angrily in my head.

'Well to bad. You mind explaining yourself?' I asked him.

'Urgh. Anyway kid the transfer was successful and you have no problems.' Uncle informed me.

'I can see that, but what about the vessel you put me in?' I questioned.

'Ehehe. Well about that. It was the only suitable vessel that could hold your soul.' Uncle told me.

'Even if this body is destined to die???' My mouth twitched.

'At least you have a nice family and plenty of money.' Uncle smiled meekly.

'Ha. Ha. Ha.' I forcefully chuckled. 'Oh Goddess! Please have mercy on this poor soul of mine-mmpfff!?!?' I was cut off by an unknown force.

'Are you crazy? Do you want us to get caught. By praying to the Goddess, it will give away our exact location, and you will be forcefully taken from this world!!!' Uncle shushed me. 'The only reason why she hasn't found us yet is because i've become your familiar, making my presence be hidden by yours! Don't do anything like this again. In this world, the Goddess of Light is our mortal enemy.' He hissed.

I shut my mental mouth. By now I was full, so I stopped drinking the milk. 'Then what's the plan?' I asked him.

'For now, lay low, get stronger, and whatever you do, don't worship at the temple. That's another reason why I chose this body. This family rarely attends, because they don't believe in the Gods. Instead, they believe in spirits, seeing as they are not human.' Uncle warned me.

'Alright. From now on, I will work hard to become one of the most overpowered villains in the history of villains!' I exclaimed

'N-no wait that's not what I m-'

'And I will be so powerful, the Goddess of Life wouldn't dare lay a hand on the realm of Death!!!' I finished with a mental raise of my fist.

'Your ambition to protect the Death realm is admirable kid. It far surpasses the worshippers of Death's ambitions.' Uncle sighed.

'Whew. That speech made me tired.' I yawned and snuggled up to mother. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep at the peaceful atmosphere in the room.

~Time skip~

It's been three months after being born in this world. I have spent my days being a very productive baby. I take 5 naps a day, eat 4 times a day, and play 3 times a day. But at night everything changes. Right now it's nighttime in the lovely mansion, and most of the workers are asleep, minus the guards. I slowly sat up in my crib. Mother and Father were asleep in the next room, and the guards were just changing shifts. I've become a master at breaking out of my crib. The most important thing to do is prepare beforehand. I sleep most of the day away, so that when night comes, I can't sleep. It was rough the first couple of times, because this childish mind wanted to do childish things, such as sleeping through the night. But now, I have trained myself, so that when night rolls around the corner, I will automatically wake up. Yes that's right. I have transformed myself into a nocturnal baby. It's also a big thanks to my amazing sprite genes, making it so I can see in the dark. I grabbed the bars of my crib, and shakily hauled myself onto my feet. I shuffled over as best as I could to the latch that opened the crib. I fumbled around with it for a second, until I finally heard a click. Freedom. I pushed the crib door, and it swung out. Then I slowly got on my stomach and draped myself over the edge of the crib. Once I felt my toes touch the ground, I pushed off and fell on my bum. It was padded thanks to the diper, so it didn't hurt that much. I rolled over so that I was on my stomach before getting onto my hands and knees. 'Let's do this.' I quickly crawled over to the door on the other side of the room. 

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