Percy Pov

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       Percy Pov:  "What!" I cry, "We just saved the world and you want us to save it again?  

"Percy..." Chiron said, "These are the wishes of Hecate herself.  I'm sure you will be back in no time."

       Me, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia are at the big house under Chiron's orders.  Apparently Hecate wants us to go on a quest to another world to protect some kid name Harry Potter from an evil guy named Moldevort.  

       This is ridiculous" Thalia muttered,  "I don't want to go".  

       Chiron gave her a stern glare.  

       "I expect you to pack up, you are leaving first thing tomorrow.  Then we will explain everything over with Hecate."

        With a lot of groans, we all walked out of the big house back to our cabin.  

       "Do we get the worst luck or what?" I asked Annabeth as I walked to my cabin.  

       "Hmm" was all she said back.  She had her thinking face on.  "Bye seaweed brain" she muttered turning around and walking back to the Athena cabin.  

      "Bye" I called back, and continued my walk to the Poseidon cabin.  I was so caught up in my thoughts, I nearly tripped over the threshold of my cabin and fell.  Fortunately,  I was caught.  Unfortunately, I nearly got my ribs cracked by an enormous bear hug.  

       "Brother!" Tyson sobbed as he squeezed me harder.  "The campers say you are leaving for a quest!  He was squeezing me so tight that I thought I was going to explode.

       Um, Tyson?" I managed to squeak.  "Ribs? He blinked at me and said, "Oh sorry" and he put me down.  

       Tyson is my half brother cyclops.  He is seven feet tall with a mop of wild brown hair. I looked up into his big brown eye, red and watery with misery.  

       "Are you leaving?" He asked again.  


       What would I tell him?  I couldn't just lie.  

       "I don't want to go, but I don't think I have much of a choice.  Besides, I couldn't just let Annabeth go without me."

       He nodded sadly.  

       "I will help pack."  

       With that he moved  back into the cabin and started packing my stuff in my pack.  I helped until everything was put away, then I went to bed.  I was sad I would be leaving camp, but I knew I had to do this.  Later that night, me and Tyson went down to the beach and watched the Hippocampus jump happily about.  We shared a few laughs,  and went back to our cabin before the night harpy's could come eat us.  I went to sleep that night feeling happy.


       I woke up early to the sound of the water trickling happily away in the fountain.  It was a typical morning, the partly sun shining behind fluffy clouds, the fresh air smelling like strawberries.  Tyson was still asleep, and I tried to grab my bag without having to say goodbye.  

       I know what your thinking, "Percy! You have to tell your brother goodbye!  You don't know when your coming back, even if you ever do!

       I don't want to say goodbye because I always feel like it's a sad parting.  Me Tyson had laughed at the Hippocampus late that night before bed.  If I wasn't coming back, or if I did and it would be forever and Tyson might have moved on, I would want my last memory of me and him having a good time on the beach.  

       I slipped out the door, took a last look at the Poseidon Cabin and hurried out to the Big House where my friends, and Chiron were waiting.

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