Nico Pov

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       Nico Pov: Me, Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia were standing in front of a swirling green portal, with our bags slung over our shoulders.  There was a flash of light and Hecate appeared along with her Labrador and polecat.  

       "Hello there" she said quietly.  "Before you are sent on your way there are some things that need to be discussed. 

       "You will travel to the wizarding world and go to a school called Hogwarts" Hecate said petting her Labrador on the head.  "There you will learn magic and history of the world of wizardry."

       Percy snorted, "They call the school Hogwarts?  What kind of name is that?

       Annabeth gave him a stern look.  "Shh".

       Hecate went on with explaining their quest.  "When you go through this portal, you will be sent to Diagon Alley, a place where you can bye your supplies that are needed for the school year.  Here is your list."

       Hecate each gave them a envelope with yellow tinted paper.  In curly emerald green writing was my name.  I opened it and out fell two letters. Thank goodness that it was in Greek,  or else I  wouldn't be able to read a thing.

       Nico read all this and looked back up at Chiron and Hecate.  Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia had finished reading too.

       "They know were demigods?" Thalia asked with a raised eyebrow.  "What does it mean that they have taken all precautions?"

       "We have already informed Albus Dumbledore about you, and he has made sure that you fit in to look like a regular student."  Hecate told them smoothly.  "He has placed a charm around the schools grounds so monsters can't get in."

       "Wait a second" I interrupted.  "Blend in?  We have to keep our identity a secret?"

       Chiron nodded.  "If you ever have to tell someone other than the headmaster, make sure you can trust them with that secret."

       "Now listen carefully, all of you" Hecate said dangerously.  You must protect Harry Potter at all cause, even befriend him if you must.  The dark wizard Voldemort will return, and I am afraid that Harry will be in terrible danger when he does.  This is why you are on this quest, do not fail me.  When the danger is gone, you can return."

       "How long exactly is this quest?" Annabeth asked.

       "At least seven years." Chiron said grimly.

       "Seven years?" Percy gaped.  "But I'll be...... twenty three when it's over!"

       "No" Hecate said calmly, "This will send you back in time, so when you come back,  you come back exactly after you left.  I have also put an age charm on all of you so you look eleven like everyone else.  You will age from then on, but when you come back you will be your true self.

       "Oh" Percy said.

       "Now is the time" Chiron said, gesturing towards the portal.  We exchanged hugs, or at least everyone else did, and stood at the entrance to the portal.

I looked as far as I could into the swirly green mist, and saw nothing.  I walked foreword following Percy.  I heard him take a deep breath and plunge into the portal and vanished.  

       I took one last look at my surroundings and stepped in the mist letting it whip me away to another time.  A time of magic.

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