Annabeth Pov

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       Annabeth Pov:  With a swoosh, me, Percy, Nico, and Thalia, were dumped on the corner of an alley.  

       "Ouch" groaned Thalia, as she pulled herself up on her feet.  Her eyes widened as she examined herself. 

       "Oh my gods!"  Look at how short we are! She exclaimed.

       "We look eleven" Annabeth breathed, recognizing her height.  She took a good look around where we were noticing the others were doing the same.

       "Whoa" We all said at once. "This must be Diagon Alley."

       The architecture was amazing!   The cobblestone path winded along many shops along the sides.  People were wearing robes of many colors, and there were odd creatures in cages.  The whole place had this feeling to it like you were floating.  

       "Come on" Percy said suddenly, "People are starting to stare."

       Annabeth glanced about and saw some faces watching us curiously.

       "Let's go" She said grabbing my trunk, and then walking down the Diagon alley with the others following.  

       "We need to check our list, and see what we need to buy" She said as she pulled the envelope out of her pocket.

       "How are we going to bye all of that?" Percy gaped.

       Annabeth pulled a drawstring bag out of her trunk and shook it in front of his face.  

       "Chiron trusted me to keep this" She said as she opened it and let some wizard money jingle out into my hand.

       Percy's eyes widened, "But that's still not enough to buy everything!"

       "It's unlimited" She explained, "Hecate put a spell on it so that it never empties.  There are some drachma's in here too."

       "Cool" Nico said, "What do we need to buy first?"

       "Robes" Thalia answered, while walking down the Diagon Alley scanning around for a robe shop.

       Painful memories were brought back to me when she looked at her.  She looked so much like she did when Luke, her, and myself, were on the run.  Those days, when we were running around in the woods looking for Camp-Half-Blood.  Annabeth shook myself off, and followed her into a stuffy store called Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, with robes hanging on racks.  

       Malkin was a plump, kind woman dressed in purple. She took them all in, made them stand on stools, while she pinned and fitted robes on them.

       Annabeth winced as a needle poked me in the arm. "So sorry dear" Madam Malkin apologized, "Arms a bit higher."

       She lifted my arms a bit higher as Madam Malkin pinned it to the right length. As soon as she finished I stepped off my stool and waited for the others to be done.

       There was a tinkle at the door, and a boy with a pointed face walked in. He looked about our age (Not our REAL age) with pale blond hair.

       Madam Malkin looked over and told him to wait until it was his turn. He sat in a stool beside mine.

       "Hogwarts?" He asked.

       Annabeth nodded. "You too?"

       "Yes" He said matter of factually. He had a sort of bored drawling voice. "What house do you think you'll be in?"

       "House?" She asked feeling stupid.

       "Your house" he sneered, "You know, like Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff."

       "Oh, Uh, I don't really know."

       He nodded, "No one really knows what house they'll be in until they get there, but I know I'll be in Slytherin. My whole family was."

       Annabeth made a mental note in her head that she'd be in any house except the one he was in.

       Thankfully, at that moment, Percy, Thalia, and Nico finished getting their robes altered.

       "See you at Hogwarts" The pale boy said.

       She walked out and checked the list again. We had gotten our uniform, and now we had to get our books.

       "Anyone see a bookshop?" Thalia asked.

       "There should be one up ahead" Nico said pointing over to a small corner shop.

       We all got inside, paid or our books, and left looking for a place to eat.

       "I'm starving" Percy groaned as he rubbed his stomach. "Where's a place to get food?"

       "Here we go" Annabeth said as she slid in a small ice cream shop. They sat under the sun eating their ice cream watching wizards and witches scurry past.

       "This place is awesome" Percy said licking his ice cream with a satisfied look on his face. "This quest is going to be amazing if we get to eat ice cream like this everyday."

       I rolled my eyes, "Don't jinx it!"

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