Thalia Pov

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      Thalia Pov:  After ice cream we all went to Ollivanders.  I was excited about getting a magic wand, I was going to put a spell on Nico where he was going to have to listen to my every command.

       We walked inside the shop, the door tinikling behind us.  A pale old man walked foreword, and smiled at us.  

      "Hello there.  Hogwarts is it?"

       "Yes sir" Annabeth said quietly.

       Mr. Ollivander shuffled off behind some bookshelves and started moving and looking through boxes.

       The door tinkled again, and in walked a huge man with a small scrawny boy our age. 

       The giant man had a wild beard covering most of his face.  His little beetle black eyes glittered with warmth though.  His hands were as big as trash can lids, and his enormous feet had boots on them.  The boy with him looked a bit like Percy.  He had jet black hair and vibrant green eyes.  He looked around nervously, and I gave him a small smile.   

       Then Mr. Ollivander came back with a bunch of wands in his arms.

       "Ahh, Hagrid." He exclaimed to the big man carefully putting the wands down at his desk.  "Mr. Potter too!"

       I frowned at the boy.  Could he be the one we're supposed to protect?  Obviously,  the boy didn't like a lot of attention, because he turned red, and refused to look anywhere but his feet.

       "You may sit over there while I finish up with these young witches and wizards" He said while gesturing to some old spindly chairs. 

       "Come here please" Mr. Ollivander told Percy politely.

       Percy walked over to the desk and sat down.

       "What is your name?" Mr. Ollivander asked politely.

       "I'm Percy Jackson." Percy said.

       Mr. Ollivander nodded and handed him a small black wand.

       "Twelve inches, elm, and phoenix feather."

       Percy took it, and looked back at Mr. Ollivander blankly.

       "Well you have to wave it!" Mr. Ollivander said exasperated.

       Percy waved it, and all the candles in the room were suddenly roaring with purple fire.  I shrieked as my jacket caught on fire, and I tore it off and stomped on it a couple times.  

       "Sorry" Percy said in a small voice.

       "Jeez Percy" I said annoyed, "You ruined my jacket."

       "Good" Nico sniggered, "it looked terrible on you anyway."

       I threw my book at him.

       "I wonder....." Mr. Ollivander said quietly.

       He swiftly got up and rummaged around a shelf at the back of the shop.  He came back with a very dusty wooden box that looked a million years old.

       "I want you to try this one" he said with an excited look on his face.

       "River birch, river monster spine, eleven inches, rather firm."

       Percy took the wand and waved it.  Blue streamers came out of the end and formed the figure of a shark.  The blue smokey shark swam around the room weaving in and out of everyone in there.  Once the shark dissolved, there was a stony silence.  

       Mr. Ollivander broke it by clapping.

       "Ahhh, bravo Mr. Jackson, bravo!  Very peculiar that wand."

      "Why?" Percy asked.

       "Well,  Mr. Jackson, it so happens that that is the only wand using river birch, and river monster spine.  It is peculiar that is chose you."

       "Cool!" Percy said admiring his wand.

       "My dear" Mr. Ollivander said looking at me, "Your turn."

       I sat down in the chair and looked down at all the wands in front of me.

       "What might you name be?" He asked.

       "Thalia" I answered simply.

       "Do you have a surname?" 

       I narrowed my eyes.

       "I don't take it.  It's just Thalia."

       He nodded politely and didn't press me, which I was grateful for.

       He searched through his pile of wands, and brought out a light brown one.

       "Elm, dragon heartstring, thirteen inches long, nice and flexible.

       He handed it to me,  and I gave it a wave.

       A spout of water shot out of the end, drenching everyone in the room.  Mr. Ollivander whipped out his wand and dried everyone off with a simple flick of his wrist.

       "No, definitely not" he stated as I handed the wand back to him.

       He frowned and muttered, "Maybe your like Mr. Jackson" and scurried off to the back of the shop.

       "Pine, thunderbird feather, fourteen inches long, rather swishy."

       I took it and waved it around like Percy did feeling stupid.

       Electricity crackled, and a miniature thunderstorm erupted out the top, and rained a shower of golden glitter all over my head.

       "Ahh, very nice Mrs. Thalia, very nice indeed" he said looking pleased.

       I shook out the glitter from my hair and went back to sit next to Harry Potter.

       "Pine" I sniffed taking my seat.  "Very funny."

       "What's wrong with pine,  pinecone-face?" Nico sniggered.

       I glared at him.  "Call me that one more time!"

      He had enough sense to shut up.

       Annabeth and Nico both got their wands from the old smelly wooden box.

       Annabeth wand was olive, barn owl vertebrae, and fifteen inches long, and Nico's was skeleton tree, death bone, and fourteen inches long.

       We paid Mr. Ollivander and walked out of the shop.  

       "This is so cool!" Percy said excitedly twirling his wand with his fingers.

       "Was that boy in the shop the Harry Potter we need to protect?" I asked Annabeth, completely ignoring Percy.

       "I think so" Annabeth said after a while.  "We need to make sure first though."

       We finished buying our things and asked someone if they knew a place to spend the night.

       "Of course dear" A witch said kindly to Annabeth.  "You spend the night at the Leaky Cauldron."

       "Where is that exactly Mame?" Annabeth asked innocently.

         "Tap the third brick to the right of the trash can, and you'll find yourself at the Leaky Cauldron."

       "We thanked her and followed her directions.  We found ourselves in a pub with barman at the counter.  We paid him, and he handed us keys to our rooms.  That was the best night sleep I had in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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