Chapter 1

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The dagger goes through straight and clean. I listen to his ragged breaths. His heart stills as I plunge the dagger deeper. His hand flails for something - perhaps his weapon - to no avail. His eyes land on mine before they unfocus. I twist the dagger out easily. I toss the blade before the blood can reach my hands.

And I feel absolutely nothing at all.

Cheers break out around me, breaking the silence. Row after row is filled with people, their cries and cheers filling the emptiness of the arena. Despite the age of the building around me, it stands tall, proud - humming with the stories of our ancestors, waiting silently for blood. Thriving off it, and reflecting the magic within.

I can't focus on anything. I honestly thought that I would feel different, as though I would somehow be superior, or powerful by taking someone's life. That's how I used to feel, at least. At times I still think so. The fact that I feel nothing - no remorse, or even joy - frightens me. It's a strange sensation, to be indifferent in taking someone's life. Someone who's only mistake was being in my presence.

The chants continue around me. My name praised.

"Khylani! Khylani! Khylani!" the chants echo across.

I look down at my opponent, his eyes transfixed on the sky, while blood rapidly pools around his body. I turn away. I smile to the crowd, victorious. A farce.


For hundreds of years, families have been tested in the Caede - an arena that shows the true strength and capability of each family, and consequently, their weaknesses. The ones shown for the public are usually just for amusement, and are not at all truly realistic of what happens here. There would be an outrage, and not everyone would be able to stomach the reality of the Caede. Very few people know about the horrifying things that take place here. There's only three families that have the authority and power to know about the tournaments, which determine who will be next to rule the nation. The people foolishly believe that they can choose their leader, but they never have, and probably never will. It's always the families. The organized families consist of the Venturi, Romano, and Marotta Houses. Meriand Kingdom was founded by my family, House Venturi, who have been in power since its foundation. I am expected to maintain that title. Mother has hardened and pushed me exceedingly so to ensure that I do. My twin brother, Aeros, was the one meant to be the leader of the nation, not me. It was never supposed to be me. She reminds me of that every time I fail.

My brother and father died in a fire, from an attack from Intelia kingdom. I still remember the smell of burnt flesh, of the screams that came from my brother, the screams that I couldn't stop, no matter what I tried. I am always reminded of that moment, when they scarred my forearms with their fire. When they burned my brother and father alive. Black scars now run along the length of my arm, barely reaching my hand. Sometimes I could swear they moved, taunting me while I practiced under the light of the moon.


After the fight in the Caede, I stop by the lake to train. The sun is barely starting to set as I repeat the motions, my muscles straining from the effort. The tournament will take place in a few months, in front of the families, and I need to be as prepared as I can be. The sound of rustling leaves calm me down. I swing my sword, going through the movements that I know so well, and as I do, I recall a conversation with Larhetni, one of the Kaeht - instructors charged with "shaping" future leaders by teaching us about our culture and how to control our abilities. I distinctly remember how we practiced in this same spot, under the scorching sun, as he talked about history.

"The fight between the kingdoms has been one that has lasted for hundreds of years. There is always a fight between those who control different elements, many claim that it is in our nature. The story of how we became capable of controlling one of the four elements is often different for each element - everyone has their own interpretation of what happened," Larhetni paused commenting on my poor balance, before continuing, "Some claim that it was a goddess, born from the love of the moon and sun, that granted us these capabilities. Another says that it was four friends who ventured deep within an ancient volcano, where they discovered and learned how to use such powers."

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