Chapter 8

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"How do you plan on getting him into the castle without anyone noticing?" Nathaniel asks. The ship rocks us gently, the sun reflecting off the stern of the ship.

"I'll keep him cloaked and we'll travel by boat to reach the castle," I reply, enjoying his exasperation. Riots may break out if people get the chance to hurt the fire bender who has hurt their family.

I don't blame them.

William snorts. All cloaked and ready for departure. Shadow lounges on the portside of the ship, enjoying the warmth of sunlight. Big cat, indeed. He doesn't even glance my way, his chest rising slowly with each breath.

"Thanks for the clarification, I assumed we were going there by taking a fucking swim."

I laugh. "I'm guessing you mean what we're going to do to get past the masses who will undoubtedly try to kill Ashy?" The castle is heavily guarded on all sides, but sneaking him in will be necessary if we don't want to call attention to ourselves, especially if he gets out of control.

"Yes." He crosses his arms.

"I mean it, we're going by boat. It might be a bit inconvenient but if my calculations are correct, we should be able to get there moderately quickly, and safely. Once we arrive, we'll just take a detour."

"Didn't you fail arithmetic class?" William points out.

I slap the back of his head. "I passed, with flying colors." He touches the back of his head, frowning.

"You only passed because I let you copy my work," Nathaniel mentions, lips curving upward.

I grit my teeth. "Well I assure you that my calculations have become better over the years." They exchange a glance. "Oh for fuck's sake, alright there's a small chance that we drown, but we should be fine."

They raise their brows in surprise, shaking their heads.

"I, for one, find it exhilarating to face death," Whest comments, as he eats his bowl of aniep. He stares at it for a long moment. "Also, what the hell is this?"

"Thank you, Whest. At least someone is willing to try my idea." I glare at the other two.

"That's aniep, a type of stew," William answers for him, somewhat surprised. "Have you never had it before?"

"It's not like I'm accepted at the family dinners. Also, it looks like shit," Whest remarks, swirling the stew around with his spoon.

"If your shit looks like that, I would be worried," my cousin responds. Whest scrunches his nose at the comment. I laugh.

I take a seat next to him. "Also, it has rice and beef." I take the bowl from Whest and start eating it, savoring its slight spiciness and warmth it provides.

Nathaniel grins.

At times I wonder if it would be better to be oblivious, and far away from this mess.


Days go by without an incident, just the rolling of the waves and seagulls to keep company to my thoughts. I continue training with Nathaniel, going to the point where I can no longer think, just act and move with the will of my sword.

After practice, I head below deck to check in on Ash - the name is easier on my tongue than his full title. Ash still lies asleep, manacles on his wrists. Padded thumps sound from above. Shadow files in quietly, followed by Sin. They settle in a spot in the corner. I pull up a stool, sitting next to Ash. I let out a huff of breath, just thinking.

Knowing I won't receive an answer, I begin to talk. "I-," I laugh, unsure of what I'm doing. "At the moment, I think it would have been kinder to kill you back when I had the chance. Try to not be an ass, and you may not get so hurt. No - that'd still be a lie. You would get hurt in the end no matter what. The Queen will ensure it." His hair lies tangled in front of his face. "I would not wish that upon anyone. Yet the enemy you still remain. It's easier to think about when I remind myself of all the people you've killed. But then I remember that I've done at least as much as you have." And there's something about your presence that feels oddly familiar, comforting even.

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