Chapter 2

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In the training ring I spar with William, choosing him specifically so that I can't think much, only concentrating on the fight before me. For a few moments, I even have fun. We alternate between activities, and sometimes are even allowed to use water. According to Larhetni, we should not rely so much on our bending as there's a limit to how far someone can utilize it. Unsurprisingly, Sohl approaches me once more after we're finished. William leaves to practice with Nathaniel. Sohl takes up Will's spot to spar with me. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that he can keep up with all my jabs.

"I want to go with you," he says before I can taunt him about this morning.

It takes me a beat to understand what he is talking about. "No you don't," I say in dismissal, dodging his blow and swinging my sword behind him.

"Please." He blocks it. From the corner of my eye I see others watching, and even Larhetni seems to be listening.

"Come with me," I say, sheathing my sword. He follows silently to another part of the tunnels. He still stands shorter than me, but will probably outgrow me in no time. He is only fourteen after all. Which is why he can't come to the front lines with me.

Once outside, I face him.

"Khy, please let me come with you. I want to fight with you, for our House and our country," he argues. I shake my head.

"I can't have your life hanging over my head. I will not have the time to look over you, and if you mess up... it's not like in training."

"I will gain experience and become stronger - besides it's weeks away!"

"I will not have you dying in my arms, Sohl. And I am too selfish to risk my life for you." Not to include the lives of the others as well. He stops short at my words. I can see the hurt in his eyes, but am surprised to quickly find determination in them.

"I won't be a burden." His voice turns low, "Let me prove to you that I can do it. Please."

I purse my lips. "I may consider it." He nods, smiling, and sprints away, back to the training arena. Smart of his part to do before I can change my mind, though nothing has been decided.

The rays of sunlight stream through crevices in the stone, gently warming my face. I close my eyes, breathing deeply.

"He wants to be like you." Larhetni says as he approaches.

"I know... It's better if he isn't though." I sit down against the damp wall.

"How was war?" he doesn't approach the subject lightly.

"It was interesting. Blood was shed. Not many on our side died." Larhetni only nods, not prying further. "Tell me more about the Ember Prince, and the Ash demon at his side," I ask, wanting to talk about something else.

"Subtle way to change the subject, but I'll oblige."

I chuckle. "I'll have to face him off sooner or later either way. And it would be a handy way to stop this war," I point out. The sooner the war ends, the less my people are at risk. The less that my family is too.

He smiles slightly. "True. Though I would have thought that you'd be more worried about your betrothal."

I crinkle my nose in disgust. I narrow my eyes as he takes a seat near me, waiting for a lecture. "It's not like I have much choice I suppose." It's also unsurprising that he has this information. "Do you know to whom I will be married to?"

"I can't say," he sighs, "but it will certainly strengthen our numbers and rally us in this final push against the fire empire."

"At least there's a party specifically just for me," I try to joke.

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