Chapter 11

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"Well you all look like shit," Whest remarks as soon as we go along the path of the forest. Whest has not a single trace of dirt or mud on him, thanks to his various abilities as a demon. "Except for Will. He looks great." Whest winks at my cousin.

William smiles back at the demon, but turns away quickly, hiding the rising blush on his cheeks as he scoops Halice into his arms.

"Thank you, Whest." I remark. Shadow nudges me gently. "I'm okay," I whisper to my lion, petting him. Sin comes from behind, tackling me to the ground. I land with a thud. He whines, shaking his tail and licking me.

"Loyal companion, my ass," Nathaniel murmurs, crossing his arms. The giant wolf runs back in answer, equally as excited.

I stand up, raising a brow to the Cursed Prince. "Where to now?"

"I may be able to secure a ship, but it might take a couple of days," Andrew answers, "Where you go from there is up to you. We could go to the capital, it'd be easier to acquire a ship there."

We all follow behind him. I look back once more to the ocean, wishing the earth benders a safe and successful initiation. I don't turn back, striding forward with Shadow at my side.

After walking for a while, we finally come across a vibrant town, bustling with movement, despite it being the crack of dawn. To the edge is a dock, with various ships importing spices and meats. The scents overwhelm my senses, the sizzling of meat and other foods comes from various stands, making my mouth water.

The town is filled with hundreds of people milling, talking, and trading about. From afar I can barely make out the edge of a tall structure. Around me there actually seems to be more houses and buildings of similar great built.

"Most of these were crafted by our master architects," Andrew answers before I can ask the question. "And far away over there is the academy. The palace is further in at the heart of the capital."

"Did you train there? In the academy?"

"Yes," his eyes glaze over, as if recalling the memories buried within there.

"Technically, we could just steal a ship," Whest comments, interrupting the earth bender's train of thought. People nearby glare at him.

"Why don't you fucking yell it, Whest," Nate hisses out, hitting him on the shoulder.

"Well I'm not wrong." Whest scowls at the general. "We also can't afford to lose much time."

"That depends on where we're going," Nathaniel comments, looking at me in question.

"Meriand," I answer without hesitation.

"I'd suggest not doing that," Ash chimes in.

"I wonder why." I roll my eyes.

"Look, we're either Elementalist, or something's fucked up that fate has decided to switch our elements. We're connected somehow," he argues.

I deliberate on his words for a second. He's not entirely wrong, but once home, it will be more simple to find out how we are connected. If we are, at all.

"No matter Ashy, we'll find out soon enough once we arrive." I look back to the piers, to the many ships that could be of use. I nudge Andrew, whispering, "How bad would it be if we stole one of those ships?"

"What? Are you serious?" Andrew glances back in the direction I'm looking. "It would not be the best." He deliberates for a moment, until he lets out a sigh.

"But it would not be the worst. I'm all for Whest stealing that ship in the cover of the night." I grin up at the demon.

"Fuck yes," he answers enthusiastically. "Watch how a real professional steals, William."

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