Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since Fabia had woke up.

(Fabia POV)

"Brawlers we need to go on the offensive against Gundalia. We need to take it to them." Queen Serena said.

All the brawlers nodded as they headed to the transport center.

"Wait Fabia." Queen Serena said before Fabia could leave the room.

"Yes Serena?" Fabia asked as she stopped and stood there.

"Are you sure you're ok to go?" Serena asked.

"Yes Serena in ok I'm one of the brawlers if they go I will." Fabia said.

Serena nodded, "I respect your wishes Fabia." Serena said.

"Thank you Serena." Fabia said as she joined the other brawlers.

(In Gundalia)

(Shun POV)

"Ok guys here's the plan Marucho and Jake come with Fabia and me we will investigate the lab and Marucho and Jake will battle anyone if they get in our way. Shun and Ren you two will take care of cameras since Shun is a ninja and Ren knows the castle well." Dan said.

"Sounds good Dan." Shun said as Ren nodded.

"Good luck you two." Marucho said.

"Thanks Marucho." Ren said as Shun nodded.

"Let's go Ren." Shun said as he started to take off in the opposite direction.

"I'm with you Shun." Ren said as he caught with Shun.

"It's our turn guys let's go!" Dan said as the others went towards the lab.

Shun and Ren made it into the castle undetected.

"Shun go left then go right and that's where the cameras will be." Ren asked as they ran down the halls.

Shun did as told and they made into the camera room unfortunately they weren't alone.

"Brawlers." Gill growled out as Airzel glared at them.

"You ready Ren?" Shun asked as Ren nodded and they prepared for battle.

(Fabia POV) Fabia and Dan almost had made it to the lab, Marucho and Jake had stopped to battle Stoica and Nurzak.

"Come on Dan we're here." Fabia said as they stopped outside the lab.

"How are we supposed to get in, the door is locked." Dan said.

"I'm going to break the door in." Dan said as he lowered his shoulder and tried to break the door in.

"Dan wait." Fabia said, but it was too late and Dan smacked against the door.

Fabia laughed "you could have waited for me to hack into the door to open it." Fabia said.

"When did you learn to hack?" Dan asked rubbing his head.

"I picked up a thing or two from Marucho." Fabia said as she finished hacking the door.

"Ok let's go." Dan said as he and Fabia ran inside.

Dan was looking through some stuff on one side of the room.

"Fabia have you found anything?" Dan asked.

Fabia didn't answer and Dan looked up and walked over to her.

"Fabia what's going on?" Dan asked them he spotted that Fabia with her eyes wide and her hands over her mouth.

Dan then spotted what she was looking at and his eyes went wide in shock.

(Jake POV) "Let's go Maruch , we won! Jake said happily.

"Yeah we did let's see what Fabia and Dan are up to." Marucho said as he called them through his castle knight uniform.

"What wait?" Marucho asked as he listened to the call and hung up.

"What's up Maruch?" Jake asked.

"I'll explain on the way let's go." Marucho said as they ran towards the lab.

(Shun POV) "Swayther Geckou!" Shun yelled as the attack connected and Ren and Shun won.

The cameras had been blown up in the battle.

"Let's go Ren our job is done." Shun said as he and Ren ran out of the castle.

Shun called into the rest of the brawlers and heard the situation.

"Wait what?" Shun asked in shock stopping.

"What's wrong Shun?" Ren asked as he stopped next to Shun.

"They found commander Jin in Kazarina's lab." Shun said as Ren's eyes went wide too.

Shun and Ren made it back to Nethia 15 minutes later and joined the rest of the brawlers, Queen Serena, Elright and Lineus in the medical bay at commander Jin's bed.

"How you find him Dan?" Shun asked.

"I didn't Fabia did he was in Kazarina's lab." Dan said.

Shun made his way over to Fabia who was sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"Are you ok Fabia?" Shun asked.

Fabia didn't respond.

"If you want to break to be with Jin we can." Shun said.

"No please don't I want to stay with you Shun." Fabia said.

Shun just smiled, "Thank you Fabia." Shun said as he kissed her on the cheek.

A couple minutes later of everyone standing around and Jin sprang awake scanning the room and his eyes falling on Ren.

Jin sprung out of bed and grabbed Ren by the collar.

"You better start talking Gundalian scum." Jin said holding Ren by the collar with both hands.

"Sir stop let him go." Marucho said.

Jin looked down at Marucho and grabbed him by the collar too.

"That's treason to support a Gundalian." Jin said holding them both against the wall.

"Dude you better let our friends go." Dan said as he put his hand on Jin's arm that was holding Marucho in the air.

"You want me to take you down too?" Jin asked.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Shun said standing behind Dan with his eyes being filled with rage.

Jin intimated by Shun let both down before a doctor injected him with a syringe.

"He needs to rest more then he'll be more like himself." The doctor said.

"I'm going to meditate you want to come Fabia?" Shun asked.

"Sure Shun." Fabia said being a little scared at how Jin was acting

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