Chapter 2

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(Shun POV) Shun shot awake and looked around frantically, he saw a Nethian nurse was the only person in the room with him. "Please try not to move quickly, you have a concussion, sprained wrist as well as 2 pretty bad scratches." The nurse said. "How long have I been out?" Shun asked as he looked at his sprained wrist that was wrapped and the scratch on his right arm. "You've been unconscious for about 3-4 hours." The nurse said. "What about the other brawlers?" Shun asked. "Princess Fabia has been waiting for you to wake up the entire time and the other brawlers arrived about 10 minutes ago and Princess Fabia went to explain what happened to you, I'll get them for you." The nurse said as she walked away. A couple minutes later the brawlers came running into Shun's room. "Hey Shun buddy how are feeling?" Dan asked. "I'm doing fine Dan, just a sprained wrist and a couple scratches nothing major." Shun said. "Good to hear we'll let you get your injuries covered up." Ren said as he and all the out brawlers except Fabia walked out.

Shun then climbed out of bed wearing a black tank top and black pants. "Is there something wrong Princess?" Shun asked looking at Fabia. "It's just you got hurt because of me." Fabia said in a small voice. "Don't worry princess it's fine as long as you're ok." Shun said then he winced as he moved his right arm and grabbed at the scratch. "Here Shun let me wrapped that for you." Fabia said as she headed towards Shun. "Please princess, you don't have to do that." Shun said. "Please Shun let me help, I owe it to you let me help." Fabia said pleading with him. Shun was taken aback by this he had never heard Fabia plead like that. "Ok Princess if you want to do it do it." Shun said as he extended his arm. Fabia then started to wrapped his right arm, Shun winced as she wrapped it. "Shun are you ok?" Fabia asked. "Fine just keep wrapping it." Shun said through gritted teeth. Fabia finished wrapping Shun's arm, she got a piece of tape and put it over the scratch on his face. As Fabia put the tape on Shun's face, Shun looked up and realized how close she was to him. With her being that close to Shun noticed that Fabia had a slight blush on her face. As Shun kept looking at Fabia as she applied the tape he realize how beautiful she was. He blushed, he hoped Fabia didn't notice as she backed away after putting the tape on. "I'll see you in the meeting Shun." Fabia said as she headed to the door. "Thank you princess." Shun said. "You're welcome and Shun." Fabia said. "Yes?" Shun asked. "There's no need to be so formal please call me Fabia." Fabia said as she walked out. Shun just sat there for a minute in a daze. "Shun are you ok?" Hawktor asked. "Yes I'm fine Hawktor, let's get to the meeting." Shun said as he changed into his castle knight uniform.

(POV Dan) Dan and the other brawlers were in their meeting room which had a conference table with 6 chairs for them each one having a symbol for each attribute. Dan looked to his right to see two empty chairs where Shun and Fabia sit. "What do you think is taking Shun and Fabia so long?" Dan asked. All the other brawlers and their bakugan including Drago stared at Dan. "What?" Dan asked. "You seriously haven't noticed Dan?" Ren asked. "Noticed what, what are you guys talking about?" Dan asked. "You haven't noticed that Fabia and Shun get paired up most of the time." Jake said. "Or that they always training together and meditate in the morning and at night." Marucho said. "Or that they have their seats are next to each other instead of being across from each other like it should be or that they have rooms right next to each other." Ren said. "So what my room is across from Shun's." Dan said. "Dan what we're trying to say is that Fabia and Shun might like each other." Drago said. "Oh that makes sense I wonder if they actually like each other?" Dan asked. "Well I think Fabia probably likes Shun because he was the 1st one to believe her and Serena is her sister and she picks who we pair up with." Marucho said. "Anyone know about Shun?" Dan asked. "Well Dan you're his best friend so you tell us." Ren said. "I don't know man that guy is impossible to read you can't tell what he's thinking most of the time." Dan said. "Well I guess that means we're going to watch them more closely from now on." Jake said. Just as Jake said this Fabia walked into the meeting room. "Hey guys what were you talking about?" Fabia asked as she took her seat which was the second chair to Dan's right. "Oh umm nothing just battling and stuff like that." Marucho said quickly thinking of an excuse. "Oh ok." Fabia said. "So Fabia what were you and Shun doing?" Dan asked. "What do you mean?" Fabia asked a bit nervously. "What were you doing right now before you got there while you were in Shun's hospital room." Dan said. "I was just helping Shun bandage his injuries." Fabia said. "Oh Fabia that's so sweet of you to help Shun." Dan said mockingly. "What are you implying Dan?" Fabia asked in a sharp manner. "Nothing, nothing I'm just saying it's nice of you to help Shun." Dan said as Ren who sat in the chair to Dan's left kicked him under the table to get him to cut it out. "Oh ok." Fabia said in a tone that sounded like she didn't believe him. Shun then walked into the room with the sleeves of his castle knight uniform rolled up with his arms bandaged. Shun took his seat between Fabia and Dan, "Ok let's get this meeting started." Ren said.

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