Chapter 7

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This is the day after the last chapter's events.

Fabia was in talking with her sister and Jin in the throne room.

"Jin you will assume responsibilities of the castle knights as commander again." Queen Serena said.

Jin got down onto a knee, "Thank you Queen I will not fail you." Jin said.

"Will that include control of the brawlers as well?" Fabia asked.

"I would say that is up to you and the brawlers, you can work along side the castle knights, but you don't have to report to Jin." Queen Serena said.

"Thank you Serena." Fabia said as she smiled.

"You two are dismissed." Queen Serena said as Jin and Fabia both bowed and left the throne room.

When Fabia and Jin entered the hallway, Jin smiled and turned to Fabia.

"So you want to go hang out or something babe?" Jin asked raising an eyebrow flirtatiously.

"Um... no thank you, I need to meet up with the other brawlers." Fabia said as she took off quickly.

As Fabia was walking away from Jin down the hallway Aranaut began to speak.

"You haven't told him yet?" Aranaut asked.

"No Aranaut I just can't find the courage to tell Jin that Shun and I are dating." Fabia said as she continued to walk.

"Princess from the knowledge that I've gained over my life, I've learned that it's better to tell someone something, instead of them figuring out a different way." Aranaut said.

"You're right Aranaut I'll tell Jin soon." Fabia said as she headed to the brawlers meeting room.

(Meanwhile with the brawlers in the meeting room)
(Shun POV)
All the brawlers except Fabia were sitting in their chairs at the table.

"I don't trust that Jin guy." Shun said as he leaned back closed his eyes and folded him arms over his chest.

"Are you just saying that because he was Fabia's ex finance?" Dan asked reading his friend.

"Dan I would advise not teasing Shun." Drago said.

Dan looked over to Shun and saw Shun's evil eyes.

"Sorry about that Shun." Dan said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"I agree with Shun, I don't trust Jin either." Ren said.

"Wouldn't you say that just because you're Gundalian?" Jake asked.

Ren growled in response.

"Sorry." Jake said as he waved his hands in front of him.

"I agree with Ren and Shun, I have an uneasy feeling about him." Marucho said.

"Ok then we'll keep an eye on him to see if he's up to something." Dan said as the other brawlers nodded in agreement.

Just then Fabia came into the meeting room.

"Hey what's going on guys." Fabia said.

"Oh nothing just discussing things." Ren said.

"How'd the meeting with Jin and your sister go?" Jake asked.

"It went well Jin will assume command of the castle knights, and we need to discuss if he will also assume command of the brawlers." Fabia said.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea Fabia." Jake said.

"I agree I don't know if it's a good idea either, but Jin and Serena wanted me to discuss it with you guys." Fabia said.

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