fif entry

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Dear diary.

Nurse help me with diary. I no know I spell diary wrong. She say I is in big letter when I write.

Doctor go away then nurse go in room. She is smiling.

She bring present for me she say. I ask what present.

She give me this cute pony. It look like Mari. Mari is pink. I call pony Kiki.

I say thank you to nurse and kiss nurse.

She tell me to say about my life.

I say I am May. I am 6 years old. I no go to school. I no like school. Mama no like take me to school.

Why I will have friends she say. I say my friend is Mari. My friend is nurse. Nurse say her name is Amy. She say no go to old lady out of room. She is no good and make trouble.

I say old lady is crying awhile ago. She say just stay in room so I am safe.

Nurse and me play pat a cake and I draw in diary.

Nurse ask why I draw Papa with wing. I say Mama tell me Papa fly in sky now. He fly like birds. He watch me when I am sad. He watch me when I am sleeping.

Why I draw me with big head nurse ask me. I say my head has big bump. I go to hospital with Mama before. Miss doctor there say I have two more head.

The doctor say this to you say miss nurse. I say yes. I ask what is two more head. May is smart. Papa who go away say I am smart. Mama say I am dumdum. Mama say dumdum no go to school.

Miss nurse hug me. No your not dumdum May you are talented. I dont think I can say what two more head is May say nurse.

Nurse say I tomorow I go in oh pearashon. Nurse say it is operation. I have operation in my arm yesterday. Tomorow I go in operation in my head.

Nurse is two more head bad thing? It mean I am smart?

Nurse no look at me. Nurse no say any thing to me. Nurse cry.

Miss nurse no cry please.

I go back later miss nurse say.

Diary am I bad person?



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