Where Have You Been!?!?

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Tony- "What do you mean I'm not gonna believe you?"

Thor- "Ha I knew you were gonna ask that".

Steve- "Come on man just tell us where you were, your son has been worried".

Thor- "Alright, alright I've been looking for Jane".

Wanda-"Jakes mom?"

Thor- "Yes her, ever since the boy has came into my life I want to know why Jane would want him to live with me instead of her".

Pepper- "You ever think that she did it because she knew that Jake had powers?"

Thor- "Why yes, but also I think that there has to be another reason, she didn't leave a note or anything, even a text when she dropped Jake off at New Asguard".

Tony-"Whoa hold on, I thought you went with the Guardians somewhere?"

Thor- "That I did, but then Valk called me and said that Jane dropped off my son, I didn't even know I had a son till that day".

Bruce- "Wait so let me get this straight, Jane was pregnant with your child, but she didn't even care to tell you?"

Thor- "Correct there". (smiles)

Happy- "I'm beginning to think that Jane kept it a secret so that Jake didn't have to know about you till the right time".

Thor-"What do you mean by that?"

May- "I think what Happy means is that Jane knew there would be a time and place where Jake found out about his powers, so in the meantime she wanted to spend as much time with him that she had till he had to come to you".

Thor- "I see, so how has he been doing?"

Clint- "He's been great, he goes to school, has decent grades, quite the charmer too".

Tony-"Also he has been controlling his powers very well along with the other kids".

Thor- "Very good, well I have missed him, but I don't wanna wake him so I will see him in the morning".

Friday- "Jake just woke up actually if you would like to see him sir, he got up to get a drink".

Thor- "Thank you Friday , very well then, oh also I heard about Casey is she alright?"

Wanda- "She is better than she was the other week, she's just recovering now".

Thor- "That's great news, well I'm off to see my boy".

Tony-"Okay then well I'm off to bed".

The other go to bed and Thor goes into Jakes room

Jake- (shocked) "Dad!"

Thor- "Hi my boy".

Jake-"Where have you been?!?!?"

Thor- "Shhh keep it down the others are sleeping".

Jake- "Sorry, but like how where".

Thor- (laughs) "Sit down I'll tell you".

They sit down and he tells Jake all about it

Jake- "Wow, so you couldn't find her". 

Thor- "I'm trying son, I know you haven't seen her since she dropped you off that day". (pats his back)

Jake-"I know you are, I'm just glad that you are back". (hugs him)

Thor- (hugs him tight) "Me too son, well let's get you back to bed shall we?"

Jake- (gets underneath the covers) "Night dad".

Thor- "Night son". (kisses his head then leaves the room)

Thor then goes to his own bedroom, he changes then goes to bed himself

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